Report on the NTT R&D Forum 2020

Keynote speech 1

Road the IOWN

Jun Sawada, President and Chief Executive Officer, NTT

This paper describes the "Road to IOWN," an initiative aimed at implementing our Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) concept. This article is based on a speech given by Jun Sawada, President and CEO, at NTT R&D Forum 2020 Connect, which was held on November 17-20, 2020.


Today, I am going to talk to you about the "Road to IOWN." First, however, I should mention that on November 16, 2020 we successfully completed our TOB (take-over bid) to acquire approximately 91% of NTT DOCOMO's shares, thus making it a wholly owned subsidiary. The aim of this TOB is to strengthen and grow NTT DOCOMO in order to contend with GAFA and OTT companies in the face of increasing domestic and borderless competition. But that is more of a passive topic. In terms of active initiatives, on the other hand, we are looking to strengthen DOCOMO and thus grow and develop the entire NTT Group (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Purpose of turning NTT DOCOMO into a wholly owned subsidiary

Pandemics and the history of hegemony

I will now shift my focus somewhat. In 1602, the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu, originally published by Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci in China, was introduced to Japan in the aftermath of the Battle of Sekigahara. When you zoom in on this map, you can see that four large islands had already been recognized as Japan. In other words, from that time, a structure was in place for considering the role of Japan in the global context.

Now, as the third wave of COVID-19 hits, we will look at the matter of how to deal with the pandemic from a historical perspective (Figure 2). The time when Japan was clearly delineated on the Jesuit map either preceded or coincided with Spain's global hegemony. Prior to that, there was the Islamic Empire, and the Mongolian Empire before that. The Mongolian Empire seized hegemony in the wake of the plague, and Spain in the wake of smallpox. The Netherlands then emerged as a leader in religious reform. People moved from Spain in large numbers, and with that, the center of the economy shifted to the Netherlands.

Fig. 2. The history of pandemics and hegemony

In the 18th century, the UK gained the upper hand thanks to the innovations of the Industrial Revolution. It was at this time that cholera spread from Asia to Europe and the United States. Subsequently, the Spanish Flu wreaked havoc around the time of the First World War. Some have even voiced the opinion that it was the flue that brought the war to an end. This then caused an inevitable economic decline, leading to the emergence of the U.S. I think we should also broaden this perspective to encompass careful consideration of the world that awaits us beyond the pandemic.

Japan's technology trade balance

On the one hand, we have the technology trade balance that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has been compiling for close to 20 years (Figure 3). It shows incoming and outgoing figures in relation to patents and technologies. When we compare exports and imports, industry as a whole has had a consistently positive balance. I believe this is a testament to the global reach of Japanese technology for automobiles and precision machinery. On the other hand, the balance for information and communication is negative. In fact, it has been negative for a long time. In other words, our industry purchases foreign technology and uses it in Japan. In 2014, a journalist reportedly stated: "Technologies originating from Japan, and products and services based on those technologies, are very few in number. Japan's IT sector, which provides no contributions on a global level, lacks value as an industry (in Japan, all we have is an 'IT user industry')." Personally, I was shocked by this statement, and thought that we should aim for upcoming technologies to be game changers.

Fig. 3. History of Japan's technology trade balance

Trends in a post-COVID-19 society

Next, let's talk about the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently facing. With COVID-19 still wreaking havoc, I would like to look at trends in the post-COVID-19 society. There are two of these. The first trend is the shift to a remote world and a distributed society. There will likely be a lot of discussion going forward, but I think that a remote world may be essential to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. We will need to ensure social distancing and invigorate economic activity at the same time. In order to address this need, the NTT Group has launched a new service brand called "Remote World." We want to enrich this new space that transcends face-to-face interaction. The other trend is "new glocalism." Although globalism is still a necessary element, at the same time localism is also necessary to respect our culture as Japanese people, as well as the various cultures that exist in different parts of the world, and to recognize diversity. I think this, too, is paraconsistent. Recently, when speaking with former President of Kyoto University Juichi Yamagiwa and Professor Yasuo Deguchi, I was asked if I knew what was missing from the 17 SDGs. The answer was "culture." In other words, culture is fundamentally rooted at the local level. The 17 SDGs are universal, global targets; by "glocalism" I mean understanding, tolerance and inclusion of cultures with a view to achieving the overall goals. We should not control or compartmentalize everything based on a single point of view or a uniform mindset, but should instead seek to create a society that recognizes individual ways of life that are conducive to happiness.

If we look at the matter a bit further from an economic, security and national standpoint, firstly we will need to have a supply chain in place with people we can trust, and secondly we will need to leverage IT in order to foster digital transformation (DX) and connected value chains. Thirdly, the NTT Group is going to promote the use of green power, as energy self-reliance will be required (Figure 4). We plan to increase the use of renewable energy to 30% by 2030. These efforts have been recognized, and we have received Science Based Targets (SBT) certification. This push, however, will be based upon ICT; for example, telecommuting will reduce CO2 emissions by about 70%. In other words, it will be important to realize a remote world and build a connected value chain.

Fig. 4. Efforts toward energy self-reliance

Finally, in July 2020, NTT Space Environment and Energy Laboratories were established to help create innovative energy technologies using ICT. We are also collaborating with the ITER project, which is being implemented through the joint efforts of seven member entities around the world, and with the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology in Japan. In order to manage the plasma while controlling nuclear fusion in very short time frames, computer and communication innovations capable of transporting large amounts of peta-level information at ultra-low latency to various locations will be required. ITER's first plasma is scheduled for 2025, and our R&D is underway in preparation for it.

Road to IOWN

Today's subject is IOWN. The keyword is "game changing." First, I would like to relay a message from President Takashi Niino of NEC Corporation, with which we announced a capital and business alliance in June 2020.

NEC Corporation

Message from President Niino:
"Hello, everyone. This is President Niino of NEC. I would like to congratulate you on the NTT R&D Forum. As you know, NTT and NEC formed a capital and business alliance in June to research and develop ICT products leveraging innovative optical wireless technology, and to achieve global expansion. This partnership will involve long-term cooperation as equal partners, transcending existing boundaries between operators and manufacturers. I would now like to say a few words on the aims of this partnership. First, O-RAN (Open Radio Access Network) Alliance specifications will be promoted by both parties, while developing O-RAN-compliant, internationally competitive base stations that will eventually secure the top share globally. We will also develop small optical integrated circuits that combine the world's highest level of performance with low power consumption, as well as information and communication equipment incorporating such circuits, and will sell them worldwide. In addition, we are committed to developing innovative optical wireless devices that will help us turn the IOWN concept into a reality, and to advance technologies relating to submarine cable systems, space communications and security. NTT is one of the world's leading operators in driving the adoption of advanced technologies, and has industry-leading R&D and technology capabilities in photonics and small optical integrated circuits. NEC, on the other hand, has a wealth of expertise in developing world-class advanced communications technologies, digital technologies such as AI and security, and communications infrastructure offering the quality and reliability that are required of operators. I am convinced that by joining forces, we will be able to contribute to strengthening Japan's industrial competitiveness and to securing the increased safety and reliability of its communications infrastructure. Let's join forces and work together, Mr. Sawada. Thank you for your time today."
Thank you, President Niino. As a first step, we intend to develop an O-RAN-compliant multimedia wireless access network together, and prepare for the next photonics-electronics convergence technology and IOWN.

NTT's goals

NTT's first goal is to provide new services for a remote world, as shown in Figure 5. Our second goal is to establish how we can drive DX while concentrating the resources of the NTT Group as a whole. In this context, the starting line was the TOB for NTT DOCOMO. Our third goal is the realization of IOWN, which is our main topic for today. And finally, our fourth goal is to strengthen our new businesses, including global elements. Now, let's discuss the sort of contributions we can make to society as a result of these efforts. One contribution will be making our industry more competitive internationally. There are several aspects to this, but for one we intend to lead the sophistication of information and communication in new areas, including space and sea. And then there will be improvements to national security. In addition to cybersecurity, we can also talk about business continuity and disaster recovery. We also want to develop the information and communication industry itself.

Fig. 5. Road to IOWN - NTT's goals

Today, I would like to introduce four distinct technologies in relation with IOWN, NTT's third goal. Before doing so, however, I would like to introduce you to Akio Toyoda, President and CEO of the Toyota Motor Corporation, who has also sent in a message.

Toyota Motor Corporation

A message from President Toyoda:
"This is President Toyoda. When I came up with the idea of Woven City, I felt that it would never be possible without the assistance of NTT. In January of this year, we announced Woven City at the CES in Las Vegas, and then immediately went to see Mr. Sawada. At that time, Mr. Sawada and I agreed that we wanted to create a city where people could live in peace instead of being controlled and monitored by information, and lead happy, human-centered lifestyles. After both of us made the announcement to the press in March, we started working to bring Woven City to life. When I spoke to Toyota staff on site, they said that NTT felt more like a teacher than a partner in carrying the smart city project forward. Apparently, they started by lining up everything both parties had to offer on a desk, then revealed that NTT could provide all the know-how that would be needed for people to live happily, including medical care and entertainment, in addition to the information and communication, energy and government-related fields that we had envisioned. After all, we at Toyota cannot create a way of life for people on our own. Day by day, the phrase "new normal," which we had never heard before the start of this initiative, came to be a commonplace expression. We hope to keep working with everyone at NTT to create a city where people can find true happiness in the new normal. And NTT and Toyota cannot do this on their own, either. I think this vision can only be achieved through the willpower and technical expertise of vast numbers of people. I look forward to the continued support of everyone at NTT. Thank you."
Thank you, President Toyoda.

Digital Twin Computing

Woven City will be built at Higashi-Fuji (Susono City, Shizuoka Prefecture). Smart cities will then be developed in Shinagawa and other towns around the world. The focus of this collaboration is on creating a "platform of platforms" connecting these cities, which leads us to the subject of Digital Twin Computing (Figure 6). The idea is to create another city in cyberspace, and use the projections obtained there to improve residents' lives and ensure the smooth operation of the cities' functions. The "starting point" is key to enabling future city design, optimal control of the flow of people and traffic, and smart medical applications by means of Digital Twin Computing. In the past, maps have been 2D, but we will make them 3D, and eventually 4D by adding a time axis. I also believe that we need to have a platform in place to collect 4D data and use them as evidence, while returning the starting point to the correct position. We call this the "4D digital platform®" (Figure 7). I believe this will serve as the starting point for cyber and smart cities. Practical implementation will start in FY 2021. Another innovation is personal medical solutions (Figure 8). NTT is currently engaged in research on bio-digital twins. Sensing bio-information from the brain and heart in combination with predictive simulators and personal information can help with diagnosis and treatment at the ultra-microscopic level. The goal should be to improve quality of life across the human race, and we want to discuss the development and social acceptability of technologies that will bring relief to all of humanity.

Fig. 6. Digital Twin Computing
Fig. 7. 4D digital platform®
Fig. 8. Personal medical solutions

All-Photonics Network

Next is the All-Photonics Network. Global IP traffic is expected to grow 1.5-fold in two years, and IT power consumption by 1.6-fold in five years. In this context, NTT is planning to introduce all-photonic technology into our communications infrastructure. The current optical access network is star-shaped, drawing a line from an NTT building to each customer, but we intend to overlay an optical loop network on existing optical access and transition to a multi-stage looped access design. This concept is a world first, and the key element is the technology that allows the optical fibers to freely branch out without communication breakdowns. Although this technology is still in research, once it is established it will provide a reliable and responsive access network (Figure 9). I would also like to introduce distributed Ultra Reality Viewing as a use case for All-Photonics Network (Figure 10). In the post-COVID-19 world, stadiums will not be filled at full capacity, and many are likely to watch games from home. We intend to deliver performances at the stadium to these audiences without delays, while sharing a sense of togetherness so they can experience the stadium's cheers and atmosphere interactively.

Fig. 9. Prospects for All-Photonics Network
Fig. 10. All-Photonics Network use case (distributed Ultra Reality Viewing)

Photonics-electronics convergence devices/Disaggregated Computing

Next, I am going to discuss photonics-electronics convergence devices. We are currently preparing a prototype, which will be complete in two years. The first step is to adopt optical and electronic co-packages as input and output devices for the LSI that is at the center of silicon photonics. The next step is to make chip-to-chip connections optical. And in the step after that, communication within the chip will be configured with optical elements. The chip will be used to introduce a Disaggregated Computing Model that connects functions such as CPU, GPU and memory optically rather than on a per-server (box) basis. This model requires an ultra-powerful white box and a new operating system.

IOWN concept

The IOWN concept consists of an All-Photonics Network, Digital Twin Computing and Cognitive Foundation (Figure 11). The end-to-end, All-Photonics Network will support the vast amount of data from Digital Twin Computing and the 4D digital platform®. Also, mobile- and fixed-network cores are currently separated, but will likely need to be integrated in the future. Our medical ICT strategy, including the personal medical solutions mentioned above, is placed on the application layer together with Digital Twin Computing. On the other hand, O-RAN/vRAN (virtualized Radio Access Network) and devices are on the infrastructure side. We are conducting research and development based on the assumption that the Disaggregated Computing Model may support all of the above (Figure 12)

Fig. 11. IOWN concept
Fig. 12. Projected structure of information and communication in 2030

IOWN Space Computing

Next up, with Space Computing we will aim to create a space data center that is isolated from the earth's energy system (Figure 13). For example, we consider mounting computing resources to low-orbit satellites to connect satellites to form a distributed computing platform. Laser transmission is used to transmit raw data to satellites, and to return the results of calculation and analysis to earth. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology is set to be deployed on satellites a year and a half from now, so I believe we will be able to use this kind of technology as well.

Fig. 13. IOWN Space Computing

IOWN roadmap

The IOWN roadmap is shown in Figure 14. The IOWN Global Forum was launched in FY 2020. In FY 2021, we will have a use case for the All-Photonics Network, so we will continue our research on how to implement it in our facilities. In addition, we will continue to work in preparation for release of the first version of the 4D digital platform® in FY 2021. In FY 2022, we are planning to provide digital signal processing with photonics-electronics convergence technology. We will then explore basic concepts and reference methods for Disaggregated Computing. NTT DOCOMO's population coverage ratio will reach 97% for the 5G infrastructure by FY 2023. In 2025, PSTN migration will be complete. ITER plans to achieve the first plasma for nuclear fusion in 2025. Moreover, the grand challenges of Digital Twin Computing -- for example, the search for future societies for multitudes of people, a translation engine for communication characteristics and coupled simulations of the water cycle and energy -- will be coming up in FY 2025. "Another Me" will take a lot of time, but we have set our research and development target for 2035.

Fig. 14. IOWN roadmap

Toward the further sustainable growth of society

We want to change the game with IOWN. IOWN will be supported by elements such as photonics-electronics convergence devices, All-Photonics Network, Disaggregated Computing Models and the 4D digital platform®, and we intend to implement a range of initiatives using IOWN to promote social change. The realization of a remote world in a post-COVID-19 society and the response to new glocalism are major social trends that we are considering. By adding IOWN as a game changer, we hope to make Japan more independent and to contribute to the world at large.


Our event today has been accessed by numerous on-line viewers. I think the concept of digital events will be normalized in the years to come. That's why we have set up a venue to communicate NTT's vision for the world and its contribution to social issues in 3D (Figure 15). We want it to serve as a space for the incubation of technologies which people can visit and enjoy, and from which we can send out information. NTT is committed to research and development and business activities based on the concepts of "Game Changing" and "Changing the Future." We look forward to your continued support.

Fig. 15. DOOR, NTT's owned media in 3D spaces