Science of Communication and Computation

Exhibition Program 11

Early vocabulary development in late talkers

Collecting and analyzing data from pediatric medical fields


To clarify the characteristics of early vocabulary development in late talkers, we are collecting and analyzing multiple types of vocabulary development data in a pediatric medical fields. In Study 1, we used a diary-based tablet application to collect longitudinal vocabulary data from mothers of late talkers (N=2). A piecewise linear approximation indicated that both late talkers show rapid vocabulary growth (i.e., vocabulary spurt) even if the growth begins much later than typically developing children (N=17). In Study 2, we used a 2,688-item vocabulary checklist tablet application to collect data from mothers of atypically developing children (N=20). An analysis based on vocabulary commonality index indicated that atypically developing children (e.g., late talkers, autism spectrum disorder) as well as typically developing children (N=1,451) tend to acquire similar words at earlier stages of language development. Based these findings, we are proposing a support system for speech-language therapy.


  • [1] Y. Cao, Y. Minami, Y. Okumura, and T. Kobayashi, “Analyzing Vocabulary Commonality Index Using Large-scaled Database of Child Language Development,” 11th edition of Language Resources & Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2018.
    [2] Y. Akutsu, T. Kobayashi, S. Watanabe, K. Saito, and Y. Minami, “Collecting and analyzing longitudinal vocabulary-checklist data in late talkers” 18th Conference on Japanese Association of Speech-Language?Hearing Therapists, 2017.




Tessei Kobayashi
Tessei Kobayashi
Innovative Communication Laboratory