▼ Ordered by first author
"Reduction of threading dislocations in crack-free AlGaN by using multiple thin SixAl1-xN interlayers"
"Current-confining structure of InGaN hexagonal microfacet lasers by selective incorporation of Mg during selective-area MOVPE"
J. Cryst. Growth 248, PII S0022-0248(02)01919-X 537-541 (2003).
"Microscopic mechanism of interfacial reaction during Si oxidation"
"A hidden pseudogap under the 'dome' of superconductivity in electron-doped high-temperature superconductors"
"Temperature and field dependence of the gap structure in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta studied by short-pulse interlayer tunneling spectroscopy"
"Vertical diatomic artificial molecule in the intermediate-coupling regime in a parallel and perpendicular magnetic field"
"LTS SQUID microscope with micron spatial resolution"
"Density functional theory application to double quantum dots: Influence of mismatch on the addition energy spectra of vertical diatomic artificial molecules"
"Microwave properties of ballistic Nb/InAs(2DES)/Nb (SNS) Josephson junctions"
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16 (12), PII S0953-2048(03)66423-7 1470-1474 (2003).
"Metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxial growth and characterization of vertical InP nanowires"
"Real-time measurement of rocking curves during MOVPE growth of GaxIn1-xP/GaAs"
"Polariton lasing vs. photon lasing in a semiconductor microcavity"
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100 (26) 15318-15323 (2003).
"Few-electron quantum dot circuit with integrated charge read out"
"Ultimately thin double-gate SOI MOSFETs"
"Indistinguishable single photons from a quantum dot"
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 238 (2) 305-308 (2003).
"Electrical pulse measurement, inelastic relaxation, and non-equilibrium transport in a quantum dot"
J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 15 (33), PII S0953-8984(03)62902-4 R1395-R1428 (2003).
"Electrical pump and probe measurements of a quantum dot in the coulomb blockade regime"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (7B) 4804-4808 (2003).
"Spin selection rules in single-electron transport through a few-electron quantum dot"
171 245-252 (2003).
"Threshold voltage of Si single-electron transistor"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Brief Commun. Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2429-2433 (2003).
"The effect of partial pressure of oxygen on self-diffusion of Si in SiO2"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. Express Lett. 42 (12B) L1492-L1494 (2003).
"Effect of the Si/SiO2 interface on self-diffusion of Si in semiconductor-grade SiO2"
"Side chain effect on thermochromism and solvatochromism of end-grafted polysilane [Si(CH3)(2)SiR2](n) (R = C2H5, n-C4H9, n-C6H13, n-C8H17, n-C10H21)"
"End-grafted polysilane- An approach to single polymer science"
"Polysilane bearing "sulfide tripod" terminus: Preparation and selective chemisorption on gold surface"
"Polarization peculiarities of femtosecond laser induced harmonic generation from solid surface plasma"
"Coherent soft X-ray (lambda=18.9 nm) generation in a transient gain scheme in molybdenum plasma"
"Generation of harmonics of femtosecond radiation from the surface of aluminum targets"
"Piezoelectric effects on photoluminescence properties in 10-nm-thick InGaN quantum wells"
"Electric-field-induced anisotropy of excitonic optical properties in semiconductor quantum dots"
"Exciton spin relaxation properties in zero dimensional semiconductor quantum dots"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (6A) 3340-3349 (2003).
"Characterization of ultrathin InAs quantum wells by TEM-cathodoluminescence and TEM techniques"
"Fabrication of structures with III-V compound semiconductors embedded into 3D photonic crystals"
"Injection of Cooper pairs into quasidiffusive multiwalled carbon nanotubes with weak localization"
"Dual Aharonov-Casher effect in singlet-exciton systems"
"Error exponents for entanglement concentration"
J. Phys. A-Math. Gen. 36 (2), PII S0305-4470(03)53843-4 527-553 (2003).
"SIMS study of depth profiles of delta-doped boron/silicon alternating layers by low-energy ion beams"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 203, PII S0169-4332(02)00663-3 298-301 (2003).
"Coherent manipulation of electronic states in a double quantum dot"
"Investigation of spin state in a quantum dot by using strongly asymmetric tunnel barriers"
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 238 (2) 262-265 (2003).
"Step wandering induced by homoepitaxy on Si(111) during "1x1"-7x7 phase transition"
"Quantum Hall effects at Landau level crossings"
"Flat surfaces and interfaces in AlN/GaN heterostructures and superlattices grown by flow-rate modulation epitaxy"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2305-2308 (2003).
"Role of transition metal catalysts in single-walled carbon nanotube growth in chemical vapor deposition"
"Evaluation of the sputtering rate variation in SIMS ultra-shallow depth profiling using multiple short-period delta layers"
"Oxygen-ion-induced ripple formation on silicon: evidence for phase separation and tentative model"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 203, PII S0169-4332(02)00645-1 35-38 (2003).
"Spatial weak-light solitons in an electromagnetically induced nonlinear waveguide"
"Quantized vortices and diamagnetic precursor to the Meissner state in high-Tc superconductors"
"A compact analytical model for asymmetric single-electron tunneling transistors"
"A multiple-valued logic and memory with combined single-electron and metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors"
"Differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution using coherent light"
"Entanglement-based quantum key distribution without an entangled-photon source"
"Effect of multiple charge traps on dephasing rates of a Josephson charge qubit system"
"Dephasing of a coupled qubit system during gate operations due to background charge fluctuations"
"Dephasing due to background charge fluctuations"
"Systematic theoretical investigations of miscibility in Si1-x-yGexCy thin films"
"Effect of atom loss on collapse and revivals of phase coherence in small atomic samples"
"Signatures of the quantum fluctuations of cold atoms in an optical lattice in the three-body loss rate"
"A system for MEA-based multisite stimulation"
"High-density, large-area single-walled carbon nanotube networks on nanoscale patterned substrates"
"Mechanism of selective growth of carbon nanotubes on SiO2/Si patterns"
"Formation of stable N-V-O complexes in Si"
"Observation of ripple formation on O-2(+)-irradiated GaN surfaces using atomic force microscopy"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 203, PII S0169-4332(02)00720-1 152-155 (2003).
"Tc versus lattice constants in MBE-grown M2CuO4 (M = La, Sr, Ba)"
"Fabrication of nano-gap electrodes using electroplating technique"
"Formation of stacking faults containing microtwins in (111) chemical-vapor-deposited diamond homoepitaxial layers"
"High mobility and high crystalline-quality chemical-vapor-deposition grown homoepitaxial diamond"
Diam. Relat. Mat. 12 (3-7), PII S0925-96352(02)00382-5 413-417 (2003).
"Step wandering due to the gap in diffusion coefficient on the upper and the lower terraces"
Surf. Sci. 522 (1-3), PII S0039-6028(02)02314-2 64-74 (2003).
"In situ observation of step-terrace structures on MOVPE grown InP(001) by using grazing X-ray scattering"
"Real-time observation of surface morphology at nanometer scale using x-ray specular reflection"
"Magnetic penetration depth measurements of Pr2-xCexCuO4-delta films on buffered substrates: Evidence for a nodeless gap"
"Quantum wire networks for superconducting quantum-dot superlattices"
"Structural and optical properties of AlGaInN/GaN grown by MOVPE"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2300-2304 (2003).
"Nonmagnetic control of spin transport in InGaAs quantum wells"
"Structural control of Rashba spin-orbit coupling in In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells"
"Ohmic contact to p-GaN using a strained InGaN contact layer and its thermal stability"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Brief Commun. Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2254-2256 (2003).
"Mg-acceptor activation mechanism and transport characteristics in p-type InGaN grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy"
"Transmission characterization of drilled alternating-layer three-dimensional photonic crystals"
"Continuous measurement of glutamate and hydrogen peroxide using a microfabricated biosensor for studying the neurotoxicity of tributyltin"
"Bright band gap photoluminescence from unprocessed single-walled carbon nanotubes"
"Guiding of high-intensity feratosecond laser pulses in evacuated and gas-filled capillaries"
"Size-dependent decoherence of excitonic states in semiconductor microcrystallites"
"Pulsed-mode operation of nuclear spin polarization in integer quantum Hall systems"
"Electron-nuclear spin interaction in edge states of quantum Hall systems"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72(2003).
"Doping design of GaN-based heterostructure field-effect transistors with high electron density for high-power applications"
"Two-dimensional electron gas transport properties in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors designed for high-power applications"
"High current gain (> 2000) of GaN/InGaN double heterojunction bipolar transistors using base regrowth of p-InGaN"
"High breakdown electric field for Npn-type AlGaN/InGaN/GaN heterojunction bipolar transistors"
174 231-234 (2003).
"Efficiency of free-energy calculations of spin lattices by spectral quantum algorithms"
"Gap inhomogeneity, phase separation and a pseudogap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta"
"Electronic properties of super-hard carbon nanocrystallite film"
"Low energy excitation in Bi-2(2)n-1(n)2n+4(Sr)Ca(Cu)O (n=1-3) studied by high-resolution arpes"
"BCS-like Bogoliubov quasiparticles in high-T-c superconductors observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy"
"Systematics of electronic structure and interactions in Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4 (n=1-3) by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy"
"Room-temperature nanoimprint and nanotransfer printing using hydrogen silsequioxane"
"Experimental consideration of optical band-gap energy of wurtzite InN"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Brief Commun. Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2288-2290 (2003).
"Intrinsic Josephson junctions in c-axis-oriented La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 thin films"
"Focusing of light in a three-dimensional cubic photonic crystal"
"The first optically active polygermanes: preferential screw sense helicity of enantiopure chiral-substituted aryl polygermanes and comparison with analogous polysilanes"
"Continuous monitoring of developmental activity changes in cultured cortical networks"
"Charge excitation and transport in pseudospin quantum Hall ferromagnets"
"Soft X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy in the Si L region of polysilanes"
"Single-electron devices formed by thermal oxidation"
"Nano-four-point probes on microcantilever system fabricated by focused ion beam"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (7B) 4856-4860 (2003).
"Microscopic observations of single-electron island in Si single-electron transistors"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Brief Commun. Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2438-2443 (2003).
"Nanometrology of Si nanostructures embedded in SiO2 using scanning electron microscopy"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Brief Commun. Rev. Pap. 42 (1) 318-325 (2003).
"Structural stability of the Ge/Si(113)-2 x 2 surface"
"Dynamics in the read-out process of the superconducting flux-qubit"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72(2003).
"Fabrication of Si single-electron transistors with precise dimensions by electron-beam nanolithography"
"Josephson pi states in superfluid He-3 B-phase/A-phase/B-phase junctions"
"340-350 nm GaN-free UV-LEDs"
"High-color-rendering light sources consisting of a 350-nm ultraviolet light-emitting diode and three-basal-color phosphors"
"Highly transparent structure for nitride ultraviolet light emitting diodes"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Brief Commun. Rev. Pap. 42 (4B) 2273-2277 (2003).
"GaN-free transparent ultraviolet light-emitting diodes"
"Enhanced water-window X-ray pulse generation from femtosecond-laser-produced plasma with a carbon nanotube target"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. 42 (8B) L990-L992 (2003).
"Gate-controlled electron g factor in an InAs-inserted-channel In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As heterostructure"
"Rashba spin-orbit interaction and its applications to spin-interference effect and spin-filter device"
"Effect of spin-orbit interaction in an InGaAs-based Aharonov-Bohm ring structure"
"Area selective epitaxy of anti-dot structure by solid source MBE using MEE deposition sequence"
174 33-36 (2003).
"The Rashba effect within the coherent scattering formalism with applications to electron quantum optics"
"Wafer-scale strain engineering on silicon for fabrication of ultimately controlled nanostructures"
"Spin selective tunneling and blockade in two-electron double quantum dot"
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 238 (2) 335-340 (2003).
"Turnstile operation using a silicon dual-gate single-electron transistor"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. 42 (10A) L1109-L1111 (2003).
"Electron pump by a combined single-electron/field-effect-transistor structure"
"Molecular states observed in a single pair of strongly coupled self-assembled InAs quantum dots"
"Transport properties of a single pair of coupled self-assembled InAs quantum dots"
"Characteristics of longitudinally pumped nickellike molybdenum x-ray lasers generated in waveguides"
"Far-infrared conductivity in electron-doped cuprate La2-xCexCuO4"
"Selective activation and passivation of nanoparticle catalysts through substrate mediation"
"Surface chemistry of Fe2O3 nanoparticles on ultrathin oxide layers on Si and Ge"
"Luminescent nanoring structures on silicon"
"Doping dependence of the gap anisotropy in La2-xCexCuO4 studied by millimeter-wave spectroscopy"
"Wetting of Si surfaces by Au-Si liquid alloys"
"Enhancement of spontaneous emission from the resonant modes of a photonic crystal slab single-defect cavity"
"High-quality-factor and small-mode-volume hexapole modes in photonic-crystal-slab nanocavities"
"Finite-difference time-domain investigation of band-edge resonant modes in finite-size two-dimensional photonic crystal slab"
"Competition between Two Kinds of Dissipation in a dc-SQUID"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72(2003).
"Highly reflective distributed Bragg reflectors using a deeply etched semiconductor/air grating for InGaN/GaN laser diodes"
"The Kondo effect in a S=0/S=1 quantum dot"
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72(2003).
"Third-order intermodulation measurements of 2 GHz microstrip bandpass filters based on high-temperature superconductors"
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16 (12), PII S0953-2048(03)67072-7 1503-1507 (2003).
"Observation of band renormalization effects in hole-doped high-T-c superconductors"
"Continuous transformation from spin- to pseudospin-type excitation"
"High-field magnetotransport in strained La2-xSrxCuO4 films"
"Kondo effect in underdoped n-type superconductors"
"Single-turn GaAs/InAs nanotubes fabricated using the supercritical CO2 drying technique"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. 42 (7A) L791-L794 (2003).
"Josephson plasma in Ru- and Fe-cuprates"
"Microwave-induced zero-current crossings in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y intrinsic Josephson junctions"
"Communication channels analogous to one out of two oblivious transfers based on quantum uncertainty. II. Closing EPR-type loopholes"
"Superconducting density of states from the magnetic penetration depth of electron-doped cuprates La2-xCexCuO4-y and Pr2-xCexCuO4-y"
"Tuning the single optical mode spontaneous emission coupling of a quantum dot in a micropost cavity"
"A bond bending model for negative differential resistance in transport through single molecules"
"The influence of electron-electron interactions on cyclotron resonance in subband-Landau level coupling systems"
"Towards perfect vertical photonic band gap continement in a photonic crystal slab"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (11) 7157-7162 (2003).
"The large bandwidth and large group velocity for the single guided mode in an asymmetric photonic crystal slab waveguide"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. Express Lett. 42 (6B) L724-L727 (2003).
"Transport properties in asymmetric InAs/AlSb/GaSb electron-hole hybridized systems"
"Tunneling-spectroscopic evidence for unconventional pairing interaction in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta"
"Electronic structure of single-walled carbon nanotubes encapsulating potassium"
"Direct evidence for superconducting quasiparticle in triple-layered high-T-c superconductor"
"Self-diffusion of Si in thermally grown SiO2 under equilibrium conditions"
"Development of silicon single-electron devices"
"Evaluation of SIMS depth resolution using delta-doped multilayers and mixing-roughness-information depth model"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 203, PII S0169-4332(02)00662-1 294-297 (2003).
"Wavelength channel data rewrite using saturated SOA modulator for WDM networks with centralized light sources"
"High electron concentrations in Si-doped AlN/AlGaN superlattices with high average Al content of 80%"
"Triode-type basic display structure using Si-doped AlN field emitters"
"Low-threshold lasing of InGaN vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors"
"Tunnel junctions on As-grown superconducting MgB2 thin films"
"In situ growth of superconducting MgB2 thin films by molecular-beam epitaxy"
"Spectroscopy of atom movements in photo-excited silver-chalcogenide glasses"
"Electromagnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect in a two-dimensional electron gas ring"
"Electron transport through double quantum dots"
Rev. Mod. Phys. 75 (1) 1-22 (2003).
"Double and single peaks in nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of natural and Si-29-enriched single-crystal silicon"
"Enhanced single-photon emission from a quantum dot in a micropost microcavity"
"High-efficiency photon-number detection for quantum in-formation processing"
"Structural study of inhomogeneous charge distribution of inequivalent CuO2 planes in Bi2.1Sr1.9Ca2Cu3O10+delta single crystals"
"Pseudogap and conservation of states in electron doped high-temperature superconductors"
"Variation of co-tunneling and Kondo effects by control of the strength of coupling between a vertical dot and a two-dimensional electron gas"
"Interlayer tunneling spectroscopy and doping-dependent energy-gap structure of the trilayer superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta"
"Superconducting gap and pseudogap in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta by short-pulse interlayer tunneling spectroscopy"
"Fabrication and characterization of novel semiconductor nanomechanical structures"
"Application of multi-step formation during molecular beam epitaxy for fabricating novel nanomechanical structures"
"InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure displacement sensors for MEMS/NEMS applications"
J. Cryst. Growth 251 (1-4), PII S0022-0248(02)02188-7 556-559 (2003).
"Microelectromechanical displacement sensing using InAs/AlGaSb heterostructures"
"InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure displacement sensors"
174 247-250 (2003).
"Line-edge roughness: Characterization and material origin"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (6B) 3755-3762 (2003).
"Experimental extraction of an entangled photon pair from two identically decohered pairs"
"Noise in amplifiers"
"Stabilization of the number of Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms in evaporative cooling via three-body recombination loss"
"Optimization of evaporative cooling towards a large number of Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms"
"Edge-enhancement writing for electron beam nanolithography"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 42 (6B) 3833-3837 (2003).
"Electron-beam diameter measurement using a knife edge with a visor for scattering electrons"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. Express Lett. 42 (5A) L491-L493 (2003).
"Arsenic pressure dependence of carrier lifetime and annealing dynamics for low-temperature grown GaAs studied by pump-probe spectroscopy"
"Nanoelectrode lithography and multiple patterning"
"Nanoelectrode lithography"
"High-power highly reliable 1.02-1.06-mu m InGaAs strained-quantum-well laser diodes"
"High-power highly reliable 1.06 mu m InGaAs strained-quantum-well laser diodes by low-temperature growth of InGaAs well layers"
"Experimental extract and empirical formulas of refractive indices of GaAs and AlAs at high temperature by HRXRD and optical reflectivity measurement"
J. Cryst. Growth 251 (1-4), PII S0022-0248(02)02207-8 777-781 (2003).
"Chaos and open orbits in hole-antidot arrays with non-isotropic Fermi surface"
"Vortex pinning in electron-doped cuprate superconductor La2-xCexCuO4"
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 236 (2) 412-415 (2003).