

▼ Ordered by first author

  1. K. Ajito, and K. Torimitsu

    "Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy of single particles"

    Trac-Trends Anal. Chem. 20 (5) 255-262 (2001).

  2. T. Akasaka, S. Ando, T. Nishida, H. Saito, and N. Kobayashi

    "Room-temperature lasing of InGaN multiquantum-well hexagonal microfacet lasers by current injection"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (10) 1414-1416 (2001).

  3. T. Akasaka, S. Ando, T. Nishida, H. Saito, and N. Kobayashi

    "Selective area metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of thick crack-free GaN films on trenched SiC substrates"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (9) 1261-1263 (2001).

  4. L. Alff, S. Kleefisch, B. Welter, A. Marx, R. Gross, and M. Naito

    "Pseudogap like tunneling spectra in electron doped high-temperature superconductors"

    Physica C 357 134-137 (2001).

  5. S. Amaha, D. G. Austing, Y. Tokura, K. Muraki, K. Ono, and S. Tarucha

    "Magnetic field induced transitions in the few-electron ground states of artificial molecules"

    Solid State Commun. 119 (4-5) 183-190 (2001).

  6. H. Asoh, K. Nishio, M. Nakao, T. Tamamura, and H. Masuda

    "Conditions for fabrication of ideally ordered anodic porous alumina using pretextured Al"

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  7. D. G. Austing, Y. Tokura, S. Tarucha, P. Matagne, and J. P. Leburton

    "Addition energy spectrum of a quantum dot disk up to the third shell"

    Physica E 11 (2-3) 63-67 (2001).

  8. D. G. Austing, H. Tamura, Y. Tokura, K. Muraki, S. Amaha, K. Ono, and S. Tarucha

    "Single dot and strongly coupled double dots at high magnetic fields"

    Physica E 10 (1-3) 112-116 (2001).

  9. Y. Avishai, and Y. Tokura

    "Resonant electron transmission through a finite quantum spin chain"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (19), 197203 (2001).

  10. G. Bastian, and H. Takayanagi

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  11. D. J. Bottomley

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  12. D. J. Bottomley, H. Omi, and T. Ogino

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  14. S. De Franceschi, S. Sasaki, J. M. Elzerman, W. G. van der Wiel, S. Tarucha, and L. P. Kouwenhoven

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  15. K. J. Friedland, T. Saku, Y. Hirayama, and K. H. Ploog

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  16. T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, and A. Matsuda

    "Comparative study of transport properties of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta single crystals"

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  17. T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, and A. Matsuda

    "Single-crystal growth of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta (Bi-2223) by TSFZ method"

    J. Cryst. Growth 223 (1-2) 175-180 (2001).

  18. M. Fujiki, M. Motonaga, H. Z. Tang, K. Torimitsu, Z. B. Zhang, J. R. Koe, J. Watanabe, K. Terao, T. Sato, and A. Teramoto

    "A new screw-sense switchable polysilylene with quantized and superposed helicities"

    Chem. Lett. (12) 1218-1219 (2001).

  19. M. Fujiki

    "Experimental tests of parity violation at helical polysilylene level"

    Macromol. Rapid Commun. 22 (9) 669-674 (2001).

  20. M. Fujiki, J. R. Koe, M. Motonaga, H. Nakashima, K. Terao, and A. Teramoto

    "Computing handedness: Quantized and superposed switch and dynamic memory of helical polysilylene"

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (26) 6253-6261 (2001).

  21. M. Fujiki

    "Optically active polysilylenes: State-of-the-art chiroptical polymers"

    Macromol. Rapid Commun. 22 (8) 539-563 (2001).

  22. T. Fujisawa, Y. Tokura, and Y. Hirayama

    "Energy relaxation process in a quantum dot studied by DC current and pulse-excited current measurements"

    Physica B 298 (1-4) 573-579 (2001).

  23. T. Fujisawa, Y. Tokura, and Y. Hirayama

    "Transient current spectroscopy of a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime"

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  24. A. Fujiwara, and Y. Takahashi

    "Manipulation of elementary charge in a silicon charge-coupled device"

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  25. K. Hashimoto, S. Miyashita, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama

    "Back-gated point contact"

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 40 (4B) 3000-3002 (2001).

  26. K. Hashimoto, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama

    "Longitudinal resistance anomaly around the 2/3 filling factor observed in a GaAs/AlGaAs single heterostructure"

    Physica B 298 (1-4) 191-194 (2001).

  27. H. B. Heersche, T. Schapers, J. Nitta, and H. Takayanagi

    "Enhancement of spin injection from ferromagnetic metal into a two-dimensional electron gas using a tunnel barrier"

    Phys. Rev. B 64 (16), 161307 (2001).

  28. S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, B. Ressel, T. Schmidt, and K. C. Prince

    "Valence band alignment and work function of heteroepitaxial nanocrystals on GaAs(001)"

    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19 (6) 2057-2062 (2001).

  29. S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, B. Ressel, D. Bottomley, T. Schmidt, and K. C. Prince

    "Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy from individual heteroepitaxial nanocrystals on GaAs(001)"

    Phys. Rev. B 63 (12), 125335 (2001).

  30. H. Hibino, and T. Ogino

    "Growth of Si twinning superlattice"

    Mater. Sci. Eng. B-Solid State Mater. Adv. Technol. 87 (3) 214-221 (2001).

  31. H. Hibino, C. W. Hu, T. Ogino, and I. S. Tsong

    "Diffusion barrier caused by 1 x 1 and 7 x 7 on Si(111) during phase transition"

    Phys. Rev. B 64 (24), 245401 (2001).

  32. H. Hibino, C. W. Hu, T. Ogino, and I. S. Tsong

    "Decay kinetics of two-dimensional islands and holes on Si(111) studied by low-energy electron microscopy"

    Phys. Rev. B 63 (24), 245402 (2001).

  33. R. J. Hill, A. Patane, P. C. Main, L. Eaves, B. Gustafson, M. Henini, S. Tarucha, and D. G. Austing

    "Magnetotunneling spectroscopy of an individual quantum dot in a gated tunnel diode"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (20) 3275-3277 (2001).

  34. Y. Hirayama, K. Muraki, A. Kawaharazuka, K. Hashimoto, and T. Saku

    "Backgated layers and nanostructures"

    Physica E 11 (2-3) 155-160 (2001).

  35. Y. Homma, P. Finnie, and M. Uwaha

    "Morphological instability of atomic steps observed on Si(111) surfaces"

    Surf. Sci. 492 (1-2) 125-136 (2001).

  36. S. Horiguchi, M. Nagase, K. Shiraishi, H. Kageshima, Y. Takahashi, and K. Murase

    "Mechanism of potential profile formation in silicon single-electron transistors fabricated using pattern-dependent oxidation"

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. Express Lett. 40 (1AB) L29-L32 (2001).

  37. C. M. Hu, J. Nitta, A. Jensen, J. B. Hansen, and H. Takayanagi

    "Spin-polarized transport in a two-dimensional electron gas with interdigital-ferromagnetic contacts"

    Phys. Rev. B 63 (12), 125333 (2001).

  38. C. W. Hu, H. Hibino, T. Ogino, and I. S. Tsong

    "Hysteresis in the (1 x 1)-(7 x 7) first-order phase transition on the Si(111) surface"

    Surf. Sci. 487 (1-3) 191-200 (2001).

  39. H. Inokawa, A. Fujiwara, and Y. Takahashi

    "Multipeak negative-differential-resistance device by combining single-electron and metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (22) 3618-3620 (2001).

  40. K. Inoue, and T. Mukai

    "Signal-masked optical communication utilizing amplified spontaneous emission of an optical amplifier"

    Opt. Commun. 197 (1-3) 53-59 (2001).

  41. K. Inoue, and T. Mukai

    "Spectral hole in the amplified spontaneous emission spectrum of a fiber optical parametric amplifier"

    Opt. Lett. 26 (12) 869-871 (2001).

  42. K. Inoue

    "Suppression of level fluctuation without extinction ratio degradation based on output saturation in higher order optical parametric interaction in fiber"

    IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 13 (4) 338-340 (2001).

  43. K. Inoue, and T. Mukai

    "Signal wavelength dependence of gain saturation in a fiber optical parametric amplifier"

    Opt. Lett. 26 (1) 10-12 (2001).

  44. T. Ito, K. Shiraishi, and A. Taguchi

    "A simple approach to structural stability of semiconductors and their interfaces"

    J. Cryst. Growth 227 366-370 (2001).

  45. W. Izumida, O. Sakai, and S. Tarucha

    "Tunneling through a quantum dot in local spin singlet-triplet crossover region with Kondo effect"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (21), 216803 (2001).

  46. H. Kageshima, M. Uematsu, and K. Shiraishi

    "Theory of thermal Si oxide growth rate taking into account interfacial Si emission effects"

    Microelectron. Eng. 59 (1-4) 301-309 (2001).

  47. H. Kamada, H. Gotoh, J. Temmyo, T. Takagahara, and H. Ando

    "Exciton Rabi oscillation in a single quantum dot"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (24), 246401 (2001).

  48. Y. Kangawa, T. Ito, A. Taguchi, K. Shiraishi, and T. Ohachi

    "A new theoretical approach to adsorption-desorption behavior of Ga on GaAs surfaces"

    Surf. Sci. 493 (1-3) 178-181 (2001).

  49. K. Kanisawa, M. J. Butcher, Y. Tokura, H. Yamaguchi, and Y. Hirayama

    "Local density of states in zero-dimensional semiconductor structures"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (19), 196804 (2001).

  50. K. Kanisawa, M. J. Butcher, H. Yamaguchi, and Y. Hirayama

    "Imaging of friedel oscillation patterns of two-dimensionally accumulated electrons at epitaxially grown InAs(111)A surfaces"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (15) 3384-3387 (2001).

  51. S. Karimoto, K. Ueda, M. Naito, and T. Imai

    "Single-crystalline superconducting thin films of electron-doped infinite-layer compounds grown by molecular-beam epitaxy"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (17) 2767-2769 (2001).

  52. S. Karimoto, H. Yamamoto, T. Greibe, and M. Naito

    "New superconducting Sr2CuO4-delta thin films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy"

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. 40 (2B) L127-L130 (2001).

  53. N. Kasai, Y. Jimbo, O. Niwa, T. Matsue, and K. Torimitsu

    "Real-time multisite observation of glutamate release in rat hippocampal slices"

    Neurosci. Lett. 304 (1-2) 112-116 (2001).

  54. Y. Kasai, S. Tanda, N. Hatakenaka, and H. Takayanagi

    "Fluxon dynamics in isolated long Josephson junctions"

    Physica C 352 (1-4) 211-214 (2001).

  55. M. Kasu, and N. Kobayashi

    "Field-emission characteristics and large current density of heavily Si-doped AlN and AlxGa1-xN (0.38 <= x < 1)"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (22) 3642-3644 (2001).

  56. M. Kasu, and N. Kobayashi

    "Spontaneous ridge formation and its effect on field emission of heavily Si-doped AlN"

    Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Res. 188 (2) 779-782 (2001).

  57. M. Kasu, Y. Taniyasu, and N. Kobayashi

    "Formation of solid solution of Al1-xSixN (0 < x <= 12%) ternary alloy"

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2 - Lett. 40 (10A) L1048-L1050 (2001).

  58. M. Kasu, and N. Kobayashi

    "Spontaneous ridge-structure formation and large field emission of heavily Si-doped AlN"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 (13) 1835-1837 (2001).

  59. A. Kawaharazuka, T. Saku, Y. Tokura, Y. Horikoshi, and Y. Hirayama

    "Transport characteristics of electrons in weak short-period two-dimensional potential arrays"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (3) 427-429 (2001).

  60. A. Kawaharazuka, T. Saku, C. A. Kikuchi, Y. Horikoshi, and Y. Hirayama

    "Free GaAs surfaces studied using a back-gated undoped GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructure"

    Phys. Rev. B 63 (24), 245309 (2001).

  61. A. V. Khaetskii

    "Spin relaxation in semiconductor mesoscopic systems"

    Physica E 10 (1-3) 27-31 (2001).

  62. T. Kimura

    "Conductance renormalization and conductivity of a multisubband Tomonaga-Luttinger model"

    Phys. Rev. B 64 (23), 233306 (2001).

  63. S. Kleefisch, B. Welter, A. Marx, L. Alff, R. Gross, and M. Naito

    "Possible pseudogap behavior of electron-doped high-temperature superconductors"

    Phys. Rev. B 63 (10), 100507 (2001).

  64. J. R. Koe, M. Motonaga, M. Fujiki, and R. West

    "Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of heteroatom polysilylenes: Poly(dialkoxysilylene)s and evidence for silicon sigma-oxygen n mixing interaction"

    Macromolecules 34 (4) 706-712 (2001).

  65. J. R. Koe, M. Fujiki, M. Motonaga, and H. Nakashima

    "Cooperative helical order in optically active poly(diarylsilylenes)"

    Macromolecules 34 (4) 1082-1089 (2001).

  66. L. P. Kouwenhoven, D. G. Austing, and S. Tarucha

    "Few-electron quantum dots"

    Rep. Prog. Phys. 64 (6) 701-736 (2001).

  67. N. Kumada, A. Sawada, Z. F. Ezawa, H. Azuhata, S. Nagahama, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama

    "Preferred number of flipped spins in Skyrmion excitation"

    Physica B 298 (1-4) 169-172 (2001).

  68. K. Kumakura, T. Makimoto, and N. Kobayashi

    "Low resistance non-alloy ohmic contact to p-type GaN using Mg-doped InGaN contact layer"

    Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Res. 188 (1) 363-366 (2001).

  69. K. Kumakura, T. Makimoto, and N. Kobayashi

    "Low-resistance nonalloyed ohmic contact to p-type GaN using strained InGaN contact layer"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (16) 2588-2590 (2001).

  70. R. Kurita, H. Tabei, K. Hayashi, T. Horiuchi, K. Torimitsu, and O. Niwa

    "Improvement in signal reliability when measuring L-glutamate released from cultured cells using multi-channel microfabricated sensors"

    Anal. Chim. Acta 441 (2) 165-174 (2001).

  71. T. D. Ladd, Y. Yamamoto, J. R. Goldman, and F. Yamaguchi


    Quantum Inform. Comput. 1 56-81 (2001).

  72. T. Machida, S. Ishizuka, S. Komiyama, K. Muraki, and Y. Hirayama

    "Nonequilibrium population in fractional edge states"

    Physica B 298 (1-4) 150-154 (2001).

  73. T. Machida, S. Ishizuka, S. Komiyama, K. Muraki, and Y. Hirayama

    "Scaling in fractional quantum Hall transitions"

    Physica B 298 (1-4) 182-186 (2001).

  74. T. Machida, S. Ishizuka, S. Komiyama, K. Muraki, and Y. Hirayama

    "Resistance fluctuations in quantum Hall transitions: Network of compressible-incompressible regions"

    Phys. Rev. B 63 (4), 045318 (2001).

  75. N. Maeda, T. Saitoh, K. Tusubaki, and N. Kobayashi

    "AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors with high Al compositions fabricated with selective-area regrowth"

    Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Res. 188 (1) 223-226 (2001).

  76. N. Maeda, K. Tsubaki, T. Saitoh, and N. Kobayashi

    "High-temperature electron transport properties in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (11) 1634-1636 (2001).

  77. N. Maeda, T. Saitoh, K. Tsubaki, T. Nishida, and N. Kobayashi

    "Two-dimensional electron gas transport properties in AlGaN/GaN single- and double-heterostructure field effect transistors"

    Mater. Sci. Eng. B-Solid State Mater. Adv. Technol. 82 (1-3) 232-237 (2001).

  78. T. Makimoto, K. Kumakura, and N. Kobayashi

    "High current gains obtained by InGaN/GaN double heterojunction bipolar transistors"

    Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Res. 188 (1) 183-186 (2001).

  79. T. Makimoto, K. Kumakura, and N. Kobayashi

    "High current gains obtained by InGaN/GaN double heterojunction bipolar transistors with p-InGaN base"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (3) 380-381 (2001).

  80. H. Masuda, H. Asoh, M. Watanabe, K. Nishio, M. Nakao, and T. Tamamura

    "Square and triangular nanohole array architectures in anodic alumina"

    Adv. Mater. 13 (3) 189-192 (2001).

  81. A. Matsuda, S. Sugita, T. Fujii, and T. Watanabe

    "Study of pseudogap phenomena by STM and other probes"

    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 62 (1-2) 65-68 (2001).

  82. T. Matsuoka, and E. Hagiwara

    "GaN growth on novel lattice-matching substrate: Tilted M-plane sapphire"

    Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Res. 188 (2) 485-489 (2001).

  83. N. Y. Morgan, D. Abusch-Magder, M. A. Kastner, Y. Takahashi, H. Tamura, and K. Murase

    "Evidence for activated conduction in a single electron transistor"

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  84. F. Morikoshi, and M. Koashi

    "Deterministic entanglement concentration"

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  85. K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama

    "Charge excitations in easy-axis and easy-plane quantum Hall ferromagnets"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (19), 196801 (2001).

  86. M. Naito, and M. Hepp

    "Superconducting T '-La2-xCexCuO4 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy"

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  87. M. Naito, S. Karimoto, H. Yamamoto, H. Nakada, and K. Suzuki

    "Production of double-sided large-area high-T-c wafers by molecular beam epitaxy"

    IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11 (1) 3848-3851 (2001).

  88. S. Nakakoshi, M. Kashino, A. Mizobuchi, Y. Fukada, and H. Katori

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  89. H. Nakano, T. Nishikawa, and N. Uesugi

    "Enhanced K-shell x-ray line emissions from aluminum plasma created by a pair of femtosecond laser pulses"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (1) 24-26 (2001).

  90. H. Nakashima, and M. Fujiki

    "Precise control of optical properties and global conformations by marked substituent effects in poly(alkyl(methoxyphenyl)silane) homo- and copolymers"

    Macromolecules 34 (21) 7558-7564 (2001).

  91. H. Nakashima, J. R. Koe, K. Torimitsu, and M. Fujiki

    "Transfer and amplification of chiral molecular information to polysilylene aggregates"

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (20) 4847-4848 (2001).

  92. H. Nakashima, M. Fujiki, J. R. Koe, and M. Motonaga

    "Solvent and temperature effects on the chiral aggregation of poly(alkylarylsilane)s bearing remote chiral groups"

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (9) 1963-1969 (2001).

  93. H. Namatsu

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  94. K. G. Nath, F. Maeda, S. Suzuki, and Y. Watanabe

    "Modified epitaxy in Co/S/GaAs(001) and comparison with Co/GaAs(001)"

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  95. K. G. Nath, F. Maeda, S. Suzuki, and Y. Watanabe

    "Surfactant-mediated control of surface morphology for Co epitaxial film on S-passivated semiconducting substrate"

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  96. T. Natsume, L. B. Wu, T. Sato, K. Terao, A. Teramoto, and M. Fujiki

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  97. J. F. Nielsen, J. P. Pelz, H. Hibino, C. W. Hu, I. S. Tsong, and J. Kouvetakis

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  100. T. Nishida, H. Saito, and N. Kobayashi

    "Efficient and high-power AlGaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diode grown on bulk GaN"

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  101. T. Nishida, H. Saito, and N. Kobayashi

    "Milliwatt operation of AlGaN-based single-quantum-well light emitting diode in the ultraviolet region"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 (25) 3927-3928 (2001).

  102. T. Nishida, H. Saito, and N. Kobayashi

    "Submilliwatt operation of AlGaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diode using short-period alloy superlattice"

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  103. T. Nishikawa, H. Nakano, K. Oguri, N. Uesugi, M. Nakao, K. Nishio, and H. Masuda

    "Nanocylinder-array structure greatly increases the soft X-ray intensity generated from femtosecond-laser-produced plasma"

    Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 73 (2) 185-188 (2001).

  104. T. Nishikawa, H. Nakano, N. Uesugi, M. Nakao, K. Nishio, and H. Masuda

    "X-ray generation from femtosecond-laser-produced plasma on nanostructure-array targets"

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  105. J. Nitta, C. M. Hu, A. Jensen, J. B. Hansen, and H. Takayanagi

    "Spin injection and detection experiment in a two dimensional electron gas with inter-digital-ferromagnetic contacts"

    Physica E 10 (1-3) 467-471 (2001).

  106. J. Nitta, C. M. Hu, A. Jensen, J. B. Hansen, and H. Takayanagi

    "Spin injection experiment with multiple NiFe/ZnAs-2DEG/NiFe junctions"

    Physica C 352 (1-4) 215-218 (2001).

  107. S. Nojima

    "Laser oscillation due to light slowed-down by excitons in photonic crystals"

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    "Determination of optical modes in two-dimensional finite-size photonic crystals by photonic resonance scattering"

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  109. S. Nojima

    "Optical-gain enhancement in two-dimensional active photonic crystals"

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  110. H. Notomi, A. Shinya, K. Yamada, J. Takahashi, C. Takahashi, and I. Yokohama

    "Singlemode transmission within photonic bandgap of width-varied single-line-defect photonic crystal waveguides on SOI substrates"

    Electron. Lett. 37 (5) 293-295 (2001).

  111. M. Notomi, K. Yamada, A. Shinya, J. Takahashi, C. Takahashi, and I. Yokohama

    "Extremely large group-velocity dispersion of line-defect waveguides in photonic crystal slabs"

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (25), 253902 (2001).

  112. M. Notomi, H. Suzuki, and T. Tamamura

    "Directional lasing oscillation of two-dimensional organic photonic crystal lasers at several photonic band gaps"

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  113. K. Oguri, H. Nakano, T. Nishikawa, and N. Uesugi

    "Cross-correlation measurement of ultrashort soft x-ray pulse emitted from femtosecond laser-produced plasma using optical field-induced ionization"

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (27) 4506-4508 (2001).

  114. K. Ono, J. H. Oh, K. Horiba, M. Mizuguchi, M. Oshima, T. Kiyokura, F. Maeda, Y. Watanabe, A. Kakizaki, T. Kikuchi, A. Yagishita, and H. Kato

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  115. Y. Ono, K. Yamazaki, M. Nagase, S. Horiguchi, K. Shiraishi, and Y. Takahashi

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