Operation technologies

Operations continuously evolving networks, services,and business in an integrated manner

Archieve operation supports to adapt diverse environments and situasions of access systems, to accelerate digital transformation and to cause a chain reaction of value creation.


Operations centralization and analysis technologies

Communication services play the role of a critical social infrastructure along with electric power since any interruptions run the risk of bringing all sorts of social and economic activities to a halt. Indeed, recent years have seen many cases in which communication services have become unavailable over a wide area due to natural disasters, and the impact on society has been enormous, so there is a need for swift service restoration. Operations centralization and analysis technologies integrate the collection of various types of network operation information and external social information and automate advanced detection of failure signs undetectable by human operators, the inference of failure causes, and decision-making on recovery measures on the basis of Network-AI and other research. The objective here is to completely automate communication service operations and failure recovery, which could not be done in the past, and to build a social infrastructure robust to disasters.
【Video of related technologies】

Digital transformation technology for supporting collaborative work

Work-style reformation that includes making work more efficient has become an urgent issue due to the decrease of the working-age population by declining birthrate and aging population in Japan. In addition, the rapid spread of AI technology has led to a demand for more creative work. DX technology for supporting collaborative work crates the environment that increase efficient work methods with continuous improvements under dramatically changing the conditions. We are focusing on "human-computer collaboration" technology to promote ingenuity and creativity and the technology has the essence of a widerange of technical areas such as biometrics, video data, machine learning, natural language processing, statistical modeling, and psychology.
【Video of related technologies】

Integrated management and distribution platform technologies for the optimization of network resources

In communication services of the 6G/IOWN era, it is important to provide the services that users want to use with optimal quality and timing. It is therefore necessary to accurately determine the vague demands from users with little technical knowledge and to achieve autonomous control based on the determined demands. For achieving this purpose, demands from users are collected through interactive QAs with chatbot based on technology using generative AI, NTT's Large Language Model (LLM) "tsuzumi". Then, the technology extracts demands to service requirements ( we call as "Intent" ). From the extracted results, the technology identifies the requirements(when, where, how much, etc.) applicable to the service and calculates quantitative requirement values for controlling a variety of resources, such as networks and servers. The calculated requirement values are then passed to the service orchestrator thereby achieving autonomous operations.
【Video of related technologies】
