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Technical fields in which we are involved

Service quality assessment
Establishment of methodologies for evaluating QoE in the broader sense including usability and functionality as well as media quality, and objective assessment methods for estimating quality based on physical characteristics.
[Basic theories and methods]
Cognitive psychology, statistics, kansei/biological-information engineering, signal processing theory, coding theory, audio/image information engineering
QoS design and management
Establishment of network QoS design/management methods that provide a basis for the construction and operation of telecommunications networks, including the setting of network QoS metrics based on QoE, the setting of QoS objective values, and the regulation of QoS classes. Also, establishment of techniques to quantify and monitor application quality.
[Basic theories and methods]
Statistics, signal processing theory, coding theory, modeling methods, simulation, transfer protocol
Demand/traffic estimation
Establishment of measurement techniques for ascertaining structural changes in traffic, and reflecting them in network architecture/equipment investment strategies.
[Basic theories and methods]
Service-choice behavior modeling of customers, complex system dynamics, social science, data mining
Quality/traffic measurement
Establishment of methods for detecting or anomalous traffic and identifying malfunctioning hosts by using sample flow information, methods for estimating quality degradation factors that are compatible with inter-network connection/call control sequences (which are becoming increasingly complex), and methods for end-to-end quality abnormality judgments.
[Basic theories and methods]
Statistics, applied probability theory, data mining, learning theory, network tomography, information security
Traffic design/management
Establishment of multi-QoS traffic design methods to facilitate the bandwidth design of each quality class by constructing a traffic model of multiple services having different quality requirements, and of methods for performance assessment/design and the visualization of traffic and network status by using simulation techniques based on a virtual network environment.
[Basic theories and methods]
Applied probability theory, statistics, traffic theory, inventory management, modeling methods, simulation, combinatorial optimization, graph theory, mathematical programming
Traffic control
Establish global traffic control techniques which break the limitation of quality guarantee closed in single AS and enable to control end-to-end control by cooperating with end hosts
[Basic theories and methods]
Control engineering, traffic theory, statistics