Journal Papers
Conference Papers
- Jamieson, J., Yamashita, N., Epstein, D., & Chen, Y. (2021). Deciding If and How to Use a COVID-19 Contact Tracing App: Influences of Social Factors on Individual Use in Japan. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 481:1-481:30.
- Mitsuda, K., Higashinaka, R., Sugiyama, H., Mizukami, M., Kinebuchi, T., Nakamura, R., Adachi, N., & Kawabata, H. (2021) Fine-tuning a pre-trained Transformer-based encoder-decoder model with user-generated question-answer pairs to realize character-like chatbots, IWSDS.
- Narimatsu, H., Koyama, K., Dohsaka, K., Higashinaka, R., Minami, Y., & Taira, H. (2021). Task Definition and Integration For Scientific-Document Writing Support. Proc. of the Second Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing @ NAACL2021, pp.18-26.
- Yahagi, R., Chiba, Y., Nose, T., & Ito, A. (2021). Multimodal dialogue response timing estimation using dialogue context encoder. IWSDS.
- Guo, A., Ohashi, A., Hirai, R., Chiba, Y., Tsunomori, Y., & Higashinaka, R. (2021) Influence of user personality on dialogue task performance: A case study using a rule-based dialogue system. 3rd Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI.
- Chiba, Y., & Higashinaka, R. (2021). Variation across everyday conversations: Factor analysis of conversations using semantic categories of functional expressions. PACLIC.
- Chiba, Y., Yamazaki, Y., & Ito, A. (2021). Speaker intimacy in chat-talks: Analysis and recognition based on verbal and non-verbal information. SemDial, pp. 1-10.
- Chiba, Y., & Higashinaka, R. (2021). Dialogue situation recognition for everyday conversation using multimodal information. INTERSPEECH, pp. 241-245.
- Yamazaki, Y., Chiba, Y., Nose, T., & Ito, A. (2021). Neural spoken-response generation using prosodic and linguistic context for conversational systems. INTERSPEECH, pp. 246-250.