Director’s Talk (Thursday, June 2th) 13:20 - 13:50 From information transmission to the mutual understandings - Paradigm shift in the age of data - Eisaku Maeda, Director, NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Invited Talk (Thursday, June 2th) 14:00 - 15:00 Standing together on no common ground
Oriza Hirata (Playwright, Director)
Research Talk (Thursday, June 2th)  15:30 - 16:10 Avenues toward super-human speech recognizers - Advances in deep learning and signal processing that are making speech recognition leap forward - Takuya Yoshioka, Media Information Laboratory
Research Talk (Thursday, June 3th) 11:00 - 11:40 How to transmit high-quality sound via networks - Research and deployment of speech codec EVS for VoLTE and lossless audio codec ALS for broadcasting - Yutaka Kamamoto, Moriya Research Laboratory
Research Talk (Thursday, June 3th) 13:00 - 13:40 Hacking human vision, controlling material appearance - Liquid material impression and Hen-GenTou - Takahiro Kawabe, Human Information Laboratory
Research Talk (Thursday, June 3th) 13:50 - 14:30 Creating a computer that can perform casual conversation - Advances and challenges in open domain natural language processing - Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Innovative Communication Laboratory

What's new

NTT Communication Science Laboratories Open House 2016

We are pleased to announce that “NTT Communication Science Laboratories Open House 2016” will be held at the NTT Keihanna Building on Thu. June 2th and Fri. June 3th. At the Open House, we will present our latest activities and research results in the fields of the information and the human sciences, through lectures and exhibitions. We would be honored by your attendance at this event, which will be an opportunity to learn more about our ongoing research activities at NTT Communication Science Laboratories.

NTT Communication Science Laboratories Official Website >>



  • No pre-resistration is required. Admission is free.
  • We will hold a social gathering on June 2th 17:30-19:00. We look forward to exchanging opinions with visitors

Concurrently held

Venue 6.1 [Wed]: Kyoto International Conference Center
6.2 [Thu]・3 [Fri]: Keihanna Open Innovation Center @Kyoto (KICK), Various Research Institutes of Keihanna