Director’s Talk (Thursday, June 4th) 13:00 - 13:30 Embracing information science and technology - Decoding, exploring and designing of the world - Eisaku Maeda, Vice President, Head of
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Research Talk Thursday, June 4th 15:30 - 16:10 When,where, what, and how? - Spatio-temporal multidimensional data analysis for IoT bigdata - Naonori Ueda, Machine Learning and Data Science Center
Friday, June 5th 10:30 - 11:10 What is this? Who is it? Where am I? - Recent advances in real-world media search technology and future - Masaya Murata, Media Information Laboratory
Invited Talk (Friday, June 5th) 13:00 - 14:00 Initial step towards augmented human Masahiko Inami, Professor, Graduate School of Media Deisgn, Keio University
Friday, June 5th 14:15 - 14:55 Hidden hearing processes unveiled - Exploring auditory mechanisms by biological measures - Shigeto Furukawa, Human Information Science Laboratory

What's new




You can see the photos on the director's talk page, each research talk page and each exhibition page.


Oral Presentations & Exhibition Program

Invited Talk

These talks will be presented in Japanese.
6/5(Fri) 13:00 - 14:00

Initial step towards augmented human

Masahiko Inami, Professor, Graduate School of Media Deisgn, Keio University

Director's Talk

6/4(Thr) 13:00 - 13:30

Embracing information science and technology

- Decoding, exploring and designing of the world -

Eisaku Maeda, Vice President, Head of NTT Communication Science Laboratories

Research Talks

6/4 (Thr) 15:30 - 16:10

"When", "where", "what", and "how"?

- Spatio-temporal multidimensional data analysis for IoT bigdata -

Naonori Ueda, Machine Learning and Data Science Center

6/5 (Fri) 14:15 - 14:55

Hidden hearing processes unveiled

- Exploring auditory mechanisms by biological measures -

Shigeto Furukawa, Human Information Science Laboratory

Exhibition Program