3-1, Morinosato Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan
Tel: +81-46-240-2622, Fax: +81-46-240-4317
H. Yamaguchi
"Strain-mediated mechanical control of spin systems in semiconductor heterostructures"
International Focus Workshop on Physics and Applications in Nanoelectronics and Nanomechanics, Daejeon, Korea (August 2019).
R. Ohta, H. Okamoto, T. Tawara, H. Gotoh, and H. Yamaguchi
"Mechanical control of bound excitons : strain-induced coupling of dark and bright states"
Canada-Japan Workshop on Hybrid Quantum Systems (HQS), Ottawa, Canada (June 2019).
D. Hatanaka, M. Kurosu and H. Yamaguchi
"Dispersive and nonlinear dynamics of acoustic wave propagation in a phononic crystal waveguide"
Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices Workshop (FQMD) 2019, Tokyo, Japan (May 2019).
D. Hatanaka, M. Kurosu and H. Yamaguchi
"Control of acoustic waves in an electromechanical phononic crystal"
Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems (FNS) 2019, Palm Springs, USA (February 2019).
R. Ohta, H. Okamoto, T. Tawara, H. Gotoh, and H. Yamaguchi
"Mechanical control of bound excitons : strain-induced coupling of dark and bright states"
Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems (FNS) 2019, Palm Springs, USA (February 2019).
D. Hatanaka, M. Kurosu, and H. Yamaguchi
"Propagation control of acoustic waves in compound semiconductor phononic crystal waveguides"
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (IEEE-ICEE) 2018, Bangalore, India
(December 2018).
H. Yamaguchi
"Electron-Photon-Phonon hybrid systems based on compound semiconductor mechanical resonators"
65th Annual American Vacuum Society International Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, USA (October 2018).
H. Yamaguchi, R. Ohta, and H. Okamoto
"Carrier mediated optomechanics"
France-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Hybrid Quantum Systems, Paris, France (October 2018).
H. Yamaguchi, R. Ohta, and H. Okamoto
"Carrier mediated optomechanical coupling in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure cantilever"
SPIE Optics + Photonics 2018, San Diego, USA (August 2018).
H. Yamaguchi, D. Hatanaka, and M. Kurosu
"Propagation control of acoustic waves in GaAs-based phononic crystal waveguide"
34th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS2018), Montpellier, France (August 2018).
H. Yamaguchi
"GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures for micro- and nano-electromechanics"
2-days workshop "MBE technology of hetero-structures with a high-mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG)", Moscow, Russia (May 2018).
D. Hatanaka, M. Kurosu, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Dynamic phonon propagation control in GaAs/AlGaAs phononic crystal wave guides"
6th International Workshop "Epitaxial Growth and Fundamental Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures", Como, Italy (September 2017).
D. Hatanaka, M. Kurosu, and H. Yamaguchi,
"GaAs/AlGaAs electromechanical phononic crystal waveguide"
Physics and Applications of Nanoelectronic and Nanomechanical Systems,
Yong Pyong resort, Republic of Korea (August 2017).
H. Yamaguchi
"Electromechanical semiconductor quantum structures"
SPIE Optics & Photonics annual meeting 2017, San Diego, US (August 2017).
D. Hatanaka, M. Kurosu, and H. Yamaguchi,
"GaAs/AlGaAs phononic crystal waveguide"
Asia Pacific Society for Materials Reseach 2017 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan (July 2017).
H. Yamaguchi, M. Kurosu, and D. Hatanaka
"Acoustic phonon manipulation in GaAs/AlGaAs electromechanical systems"
US-Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena, Tokyo, Japan (June 2017).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and D. Hatanaka
"Parametric coupling and correlated fluctuation in multimode electromechanical resonators"
Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems 2017 (FNS2017), La Thuile, Italy (Feb. 2017).
H. Yamaguchi
"Mechanical resonators hybridized with semiconductor quantum structures"
German-Japanese Meeting on the Science of Hybrid Quantum Systems,
Berlin, Germany (Nov. 2016)
H. Yamaguchi, H. Okamoto, D. Hatanaka, Y. Okazaki, and I. Mahboob
"Cavity electromechanics for phonon manipulation"
6th Summer School on Semiconductor/Superconducting
Quantum Coherence Effects and Quantum Information, Nasu, Japan (Sep. 2016)
D. Hatanaka, I. Mahboob, K. Onomitsu, and H. Yamaguchi,
"An electromechanical phononic crystal"
20th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-20), Busan, Korea (Aug. 2016)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto,
"Multi-mode nonlinear electromechanics"
Opto- and Electro-mechanical Technologies 2016 (OET2016), Monte Verita, Switzerland (July 2016)
H. Okamoto, T. Watanabe, R. Ohta, k. Onomitsu, H. Gotoh, T. Sogawa, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Excitonic Optomechanics in a GaAs System"
Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices Workshop (FQMD2016),
Wako, Japan (June 2016)
H. Yamaguchi, H. Okamoto, D. Hatanaka, Y. Okazaki, and I. Mahboob,
"Piezoelectric phonon manipulation in electromechanical resonators and waveguides"
SPICE Workship "Quantum Acoustics - Surface Acoustic Waves meets Solid State Qubits", Mainz, Germany (May 2016)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and D. Hatanaka,
"Phonon Confinement, Transport, and Piezoelectric Manipulation in Nonlinear Electromechanical Resonators"
The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), Sendai, Japan (April 2016)
H. Yamaguchi,
"Mechanical Systems Hybridized with Semiconductor Quantum Structures",
Gordon Research Conference -Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime- (GRC), Ventura, US (March 2016).
H. Yamaguuchi, D. Hatanaka, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto,
"Phonon confinement, transport, and piezoelectric manipulation in semiconductor micromechanical structures"
2015 Material Research Society Fall meeting (MRS), Boston, US (Dec. 2015).
I. Mahboob and H. Yamaguchi,
"Phonon dynamics in electromechanical resonators",
2015 IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium (2015 IEEE-IUS), Taipei, Taiwan (Oct. 2015).
H. Yamaguchi, D. Hatanaka, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto,
"III-V semiconductor micro/nanomechanical resonators"
5th International Workshop on Epitaxial Growth and Fundamental Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures (SemiconNano 2015), Hsinchu, Taiwan (Sep. 2015).
I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Correlated phonon pair generation in an electromechanical resonator"
17th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS17), Sendai, Japan (July 2015).
D. Hatanaka, I. Mahboob, K. Onomitsu, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Phononic crystal waveguides with dynamic control"
19th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (EDISON '19) Salamanca, Spain (June-July 2015).
I. Mahboob and H. Yamaguchi,
"An electromechanical Van der Pol resonator",
3nd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) Paris, France (June 2015).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, D. Hatanaka
"Nonlinear phonon dynamics in electromechanical resonators"
ICTS Discussion Meeting on Frontiers in Light-Matter Interactions, Kolkata, India (Dec. 2014).
H. Yamaguchi, D. Hatanaka, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto
"Opto/electromechanical resonators based on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures"
2014 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2014) Hualien, Taiwan (Nov. 2014).
I. Mahboob, K. Nishiguchi, A. Fujiwara, and H. Yamaguchi
"Phonon-lasing (and mode cooling) in an electromechanical resonator"
28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2014), Fukukoka, Japan (Oct. 2014).
H. Yamaguchi, D. Hatanaka, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto
"Nonlinear electromechanical resonators
~ From Phonon Lasing Operation to Nanomechanical Processors ~"
6th IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference (IEEE-INEC2014), Sapporo, Japan (July 2014).
I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and H. Yamaguchi
"A correlated electromechanical system"
International Seminar on Nanomechanical Systems (NEMS 2014) Paris, France (July 2014).
H. Yamaguchi, D. Hatanaka, H. Okamoto, and I. Mahboob
"Nonlinear phonon dynamics in electromechanical resonators"
ICC-IMR / 20th REIMEI International Workshop Spin Mechanics 2, Sendai, Japan (June 2014).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto
"Nonlinear Dynamics and All Mechanical Phonon Lasing in Electromechanical Resonators"
IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2014), Taipei, Taiwan (May 2014).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and Y. Okazaki
"Coherent manipulation and lasing operation in micromechanical phonon cavities"
The 2013 International Symposium on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology (ISANN2013), Kauai, US (Nov. 2013).
H. Yamaguchi, H. Okamoto, T. Watanabe, Y. Okazaki,
"Mechanical systems coupled to semiconductor quantum structures",
CeNS Workshop -Nanosciences: Great Adventures on Small Scales" (CeNS2013), San Servolo, Italy (Sep. 2013)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto,
"Coherent manipulation and phonon lasing in electromechanical resonators"
ICTP Workshop on "Frontiers of Nanomechanics" Triest, Italy (Sep. 2013).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto,
"Nonlinear phonon dynamics in GaAs/AlGaAs electromechanical resonators"
10th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM2013), Hakodate, Japan (Sep. 2013).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, and H. Okamoto,
"Strong modal-coupling and parametric control in electromechanical resonators",
Focused International Workshop on "Spin Mechanics", Mito, Japan (Feb. 2013)
H. Yamaguchi, H. Okamoto, and I. Mahboob,
"Strong coupling and time-domain control in electromechanical parametric resonators",
10th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan (Jan. 2013)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto and K. Onomitsu,
"Semiconductor Heterostructures for Novel Electromechanical Devices",
Material Science Week 2012, Sendai, Japan (Nov. 2012)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob and H. Okamoto,
"Parametric mode-coupling and its application to signal processing in GaAs/AlGaAs electromechanical resonators",
International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (31st ICPS), Zurich, Swiss (July 2012)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob and H. Okamoto,
"Piezoelectric parametric resonators",
The Training Workshop on Noise and Nonlinearities in Mechanical resonators, (NEMS-Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain (May 2012).
T. Yamaguchi, H. Yamaguchi, and T. Iyoda,"Directed self-assembly of block copolymers toward singledigit nanolithography",
24th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2011), Kyoto, Japan (Oct. 2011).
H. Okamoto, D. Ito, T. Watanabe, K. Onomitsu, H. Sanada, H. Gotoh, T. Sogawa, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Carrier-mediated opto-mechanical coupling in GaAs micromechanical resonators",
17th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (EDISON 17), Santa Barbara, US (Aug. 2011).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and K. Onomitsu,
"Heterostructure-based parametric resonator and its applications",
The Second International Seminar on Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS2011), Toulouse, France (July 2011).
H. Okamoto, D. Ito, K. Onomitsu, H. Sanada, H. Gotoh, T. Sogawa, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Carriermediated opto-mechanical coupling in GaAs cantilevers",
Frontiers in Nanoscale Science and Technology Workshop (FNST2011), Saitama, Japan (Jan. 2011).
H. Yamaguchi,
"Quantum effects of motion",
Japanese-American Frontiers of Science (JAFoS2010), Chiba, Japan, (Dec. 2010).
T. Yamaguchi, H. Yamaguchi, and T. Iyoda,
"Graphoepitaxy of diblock copolymers for lithographic application",
23rd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2010) Fukuoka, Japan, (Nov. 2010).
H. Kageshima, H. Hibino, M. Nagase, Y. Sekine, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Theoretical study on growth, structure, and physical properties of graphene on SiC",
Japan-Korea Symposium on Surface and Nanostructure 9th (JKSSN9, Nov. 2010, Sendai, Japan).
H. Kageshima, H. Hibino, M. Nagase, Y. Sekine, and H. Yamaguchi,
"Theoretical study on functions of graphene",
The 2nd International Symposium on Graphene Devices: Technology, Physics, and Modeling (ISGD2010, Oct. 2010, Sendai, Japan).
H. Yamaguchi, H. Okamoto, Y. Maruta, S. Ishihara, and Y. Hirayama,
"Mechanical to electrical energy transduction using a micromechanical 2DES cantilever",
16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2010), Berlin, Germany (Aug. 2010).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and K. Onomitsu,
"Electromechanical logic systems using compound semiconductor heterostructure",
2010 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD2010), Tokyo, Japan (June 2010). (Plenary)
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and K. Onomitsu,
"Micro/nanoelectromechanical systems for advanced semiconductor devices",
2010 International RCIQE/CREST Joint Workshop, Sapporo, Japan (Mar. 2010).
I. Mahboob and H. Yamaguchi,
"Electromechanical systems for memory and logic devices",
2009 International Conference on. Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2009), Sendai, Japan, (Oct. 2009).
H. Yamaguchi,
"Compound semiconductor micro/nanomechanical systems",
8th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM2009), Nagano, Japan (Aug. 2009).
H. Yamaguchi,
"Heterostructure-based micro/nanomechanical systems",
The 18th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS), Kobe, Japan (Jul. 2009).
H. Yamaguchi,
"Micro/Nanomechanical systems based on compound semiconductor heterostructures",
Frontiers in Nanoscale Science and Technology 2009 (FNST 2009), Boston, U.S.A (May 2009).
I. Mahboob and H. Yamaguchi,
"Bit operation in a parametrically pumped electromechanical resonator",
Nano Technology 2008, Ishikawa, Japan (Oct. 2008).
H. Yamaguchi,
"Novel Functionalilties in Semiconductor-based Micro/Nanomechanical Systems",
21st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Fukuoka, Japan (Oct. 2008).
H. Yamaguchi, I. Mahboob, H. Okamoto, and K. Onomitsu,
"Micro/Nanomechanical Systems Based on Semiconductor Heterostructures",
The International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Rust, Germany (Sep. 2008).
H. Yamaguchi and I. Mahboob,
"Micro/Nanomechanical Systems for Information Processing",
The 9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, Saitama, Japan (Aug. 2008).