Long-term future-scenario-analysis technology

Long-term future-scenario-analysis technology

Supporting the analysis and strategy formulation of future scenarios for human society and the global environment surrounding corporate management.

Current research

Long-term future-scenario-analysis technology supports analysis of future scenarios and strategy formulation in order to enable proactive management strategy and policy formulation from a long-term perspective.

In response to recent rapid changes in the natural environment due to climate change, corporate management is required to formulate strategies and take actions that can flexibly adapt to highly uncertain future risks and opportunities.

Aiming for a world in which humans and AI can cooperate in formulating more extensive and efficient long-term management strategies, this research will investigate ways to utilize AI in scenarios such as collecting global information on politics, economics, society, technology, and the environment, deriving multiple possible future scenarios, and monitoring changes in the derived scenarios.

Through this research, we will contribute to NTT Group and other companies by strengthening their engagement with social and environmental issues and promoting sustainable management. We will also promote research with a view to applying this scenario-analysis technology to a wide range of fields in a manner that leads to the realization of green transformation and smart cities that coexist with the planet.

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