This technology will forecast changes in marine ecosystems and allow us to create a "resilient society" that balances the wealth of human society with recovery of marine ecosystems.
Human societies are built on the benefits of marine biodiversity, such as seafood and marine activities. However, biodiversity is being lost due to factors such as the effects of climate change, overexploitation of marine resources, and marine pollution. To create a resilient society in which diverse marine ecosystems and prosperous human societies can coexist, it is important to forecast how marine ecosystems will change through interactions with human societies and to show the way to restore biodiversity.
"Marine-ecosystem future-forecasting technology" can forecast quantitative changes in marine ecosystems. Using this technology, we first observe biological and chemical phenomena, such as material cycles in marine ecosystems and the ecology of marine organisms, over large areas and in real time. Next, we build an ecosystem model by combining physical processes, such as ocean currents, eddies and upwelling, and simulate changes in marine ecosystems using the model. By forecasting how marine ecosystems will change in response to various human activities, we aim to show the way to restore marine ecosystems while maintaining the wealth of current human societies.
Marine-ecosystem future-forecasting technology to support sustainable aquaculture
Forecasting the future of the global environment
Forecasting regenerative futures for earth from space
NTT Space Environment and Energy Laboratories aims to ...
NTT Space Environment and Energy Laboratories aims...
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