Member of several Committees of Japanese government including the CRYPTREC (Evaluation of Cryptographic Techniques) committee.
PhD Committee Member
ETH (Switzerland) for Michael Stadler (supervised by Prof. Ueli Maurer) (1996.5)
ENST (France) for Pascal Paillier (supervised by Dr. David Naccache) (1999.9)
JAIST(Japan) for Takeshi Okamoto (supervised by Prof. Atsuko Miyaji) (2001.12)
UPC (Spain) for Javier Herranz (supervised by Prof. German Saez) (2005.4)
Seoul National University (Korea) for Namsu Jho and Eunsun Yoo (supervised by Prof. Myung-Hwan Kim) (2007.6)
Kyoto University (Japan) for Mitsuo Okada (supervised by Prof. Toshio Okabe) (2011.6)
ENS (France) for Mehdi Tibouch (supervised by Dr. David Naccache) (2011.9)
Seoul National University (Korea) for Hyung Tae Lee (supervised by Prof. Jung Hee Cheon) (2012.11)
1999-2004 Guest Professor, University of Tokyo (Grad. School of Mathematical Science)
2001-2018 Guest Professor, Kyoto University (Grad. School of Informatica)
2001-2011 Guest Professor, Tsukuba University (Grad. School of System and Info. Eng.)
2002-2019 Guest Lecturer, Chuo University (Grad. School of Mathematics)
2011 Guest Lecturer, University of Electro-Communications (Grad. School of Mathematics)
Journal papers
A Digital Signature Scheme Based on Polynomial Operations, (with A. Shiraishi), Systems and Computers in Japan, 17, 5, pp.36-44 (1986) translated from IECE Transactions, J68-D, 5, pp.1157-1164 (1985).
A Single Public-Key Authentication Scheme for Multiple Users, Systems and Computers in Japan, 18, 10, pp.14-24 (1987) translated from IECE Transactions, J69-D, 10, pp.1481-1489 (1986).
Fast Public-Key Cryptosystem Using Congruent Polynomial Equations, Electronics Letters, 22, 11, pp.581-582 (1986).
Modification of a Public-Key Cryptosystem, Electronics Letters, 23, 16, pp.814-815 (1987).
Practical Extension of the Fiat-Shamir Scheme, (with K. Ohta), Electronics Letters, 24, 15, pp.955-956 (1988).
A Digital Multisignature Scheme Using Bijective Public-key Cryptosystems, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol.6, No.8, pp.432-441 (1988).
Membership Authentication for Hierarchical Multigroups Using a Mater Key, (with K. Ohta), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E-73, No.7, pp.1107-1110 (1990).
A Fast Signature Scheme Based on Congruential Polynomial Operations, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.IT-36, No.1, pp.47-53 (1990).
Abuse of Undeniable Signatures and Their Countermeasures, (with K. Ohta and A. Fujioka), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E74, No.8, pp.2109-2113 (1991).
Interactive Bi-proof Systems and Undeniable Signature Schemes, (with A. Fujioka and K. Ohta) IEICE Transactions, Vol. E-75-D, No. 1, pp. 102-109 (1992).
Reducing Elliptic Curve Logarithms to Logarithms in a Finite Field, (with A. Menezes and S. Vanstone), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.IT-39, No.5 (1993).
On the Complexity of the Discrete Logarithm for a General Finite, (with K. Sakurai and H. Shizuya), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E79-A , No. 1, pp. 61-65 (1996).
One-Time Zero-Knowledge Authentication and Untraceable Cash, (with K. Ohta), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E81-A, No. 1 (1998).
Security of the Modified Fiat-Shamir Schemes, (with K. Ohta), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E81-A, No. 1 (1998).
Threshold Key-Recovery Systems for RSA, IEICE Transactions, Vol. E82-A, No. 1 (1999).
Statistical Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Prove Modular] Polynomial Relations, (with E. Fujisaki), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E82-A, No. 1 (1999).
Multi-Signature Schemes Secure against Active Insider Attacks, (with K. Ohta), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E82-A, No. 1 (1999).
On Relationships between Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Journal of Comput. and System Sciences, 60, pp.47-108 (1999).
How to Enhance the Security of Public-Key Encryptions at Minimum Cost, (with E. Fujisaki), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E83-A, No. 1, pp.147-165 (2000).
A Signature Scheme with Message Recovery as Secure as Discrete Logarithm, (with M. Abe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E84-A, No. 1 (2001).
A Chosen-Cipher Secure Encryption Scheme Tightly As Secure As Factoring, (with E. Fujisaki), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E84-A, No. 1 (2001).
How to Enhance the Security of Public-Key Encryption at Minimum Cost, (with E. Fujisaki), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E83-A, No.1, pp. 24-32(2000).
A Chosen-Cipher Secure Encryption Scheme Tightly as Secure as Factoring, (with E. Fujisaki), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E84-A, No.1, pp. 179-187(2001).
A Signature Scheme with Message Recovery as Secure as Discrete Logarithm, (with M. Abe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E84-A, No.1, pp. 197-204(2001).
Delegation Chains Secure up to Constant Length, (with M. Abe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E85-A, No.1, pp. 110-116(2002).
RSA-OAEP Is Secure under the RSA Assumption, (with E. Fujisaki, D. Pointcheval, and J. Stern), Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 17 (2004).
A Universally Composable Secure Channel Based on the KEM-DEM Framework, (with W. Nagao and Y. Manabe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E89-A, No.1, pp. 28-38 (2006).
An optimistic fair exchange protocol and its security in the universal composability framework, (with Y. Okada and Y. Manabe), IJACT Transactions, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 70-77, (2008).
On the Equivalence of Several Security Notions of KEM and DEM, (with W. Nagao and Y. Manabe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E91-A, No.1, pp. 283-297, (2008).
Universally Composable Identity-Based Encryption, (with R. Nishimaki and Y. Manabe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E91-A, No.1, pp. 262-271, (2008).
Chosen Ciphertext Security with Optimal Ciphertext Overhead, (with M. Abe and E. Kiltz), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E93-A, No.1, pp. 22-33, (2010).
An eCK-secure Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol without Random Oracles, (with D. Moriyama), KSII Transactions, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 607-625, (2011).
Meta-envy-free Cake-cutting and Pie-cutting Protocols, (with Y. Manabe), JIP Transactions, Vol. 20, No.3, pp. 686-693, (2012).
Efficient (Hierarchical) Inner-Product Encryption Tightly Reduced from the Decisional Linear Assumption, (with K. Takashima), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E96-A, No.1, pp. 42-52 (2013).
Efficient Secure Auction Protocols Based on the Boneh-Goh-Nissim Encryption, (with T. Mitsunaga and Y. Manabe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E96-A, No.1, pp. 68-75, (2013).
Message Recovery Signature Schemes from Sigma-Protocols, (with M. Abe and K. Suzuki), IEICE Transactions, Vol. E96-A, No.1, 92-100, (2013).
Secure Integration of Asymmetric and Symmetric Encryption Schemes, (with E. Fujisaki), J. Cryptology Vol. 26, No.1, pp. 80-101, (2013)
Efficient Attribute-Based Signatures for Non-Monotone Predicates in the Standard Model, (with K. Takashima), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 409-421, (2014).
Dual Pairing Vector Spaces and Their Applications, (with K. Takashima), IEICE Transactions, Vol.98-A, No. 1, pp.3-15, (2015).
A Cryptographic Moving-Knife Cake-Cutting Protocol with High Social Surplus. (with Y. Manabe and R. Otsuka), Journal of Information Processing, Volume 23, pp. 299-304 (2015).
Achieving short ciphertexts or short secret-keys for adaptively secure general inner-product encryption, (with K. Takashima), Des. Codes Cryptography, Vol. 77, Issue2, pp.725-771(2015).
Packing Messages and Optimizing Bootstrapping in GSW-FHE, (with R. Hiromasa and M. Abe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. 99-A, No.1, pp.73-82 (2016).
A Secure M + 1st Price Auction Protocol Based on Bit Slice Circuits, (with Takuho Mitsunaga and Yoshifumi Manabe), IEICE Transactions, 99-A(8): 1591-1599, (2016)
Packing Messages and Optimizing Bootstrapping in GSW-FHE, (with R. Hiromasa and M. Abe), IEICE Transactions, Vol. 99-A, No. 1, pp.73-82 (2016).
Fully Secure Functional Encryption with a Large Class of Relations from the Decisional Linear Assumption, (with K. Takashima), Journal of Cryptology, Volume 32, No.4, pp.1491-1573 (2019).
Decentralized Attribute-Based Encryption and Signatures, (with K. Takashima), IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 103-A, No.1, pp. 41-73 (2020).
Efficient Inner Product Functional Encryption with Full-Hiding Security, (with J. Tomida and M. Abe), IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 103-A, No.1, pp. 33-40 (2020).
Adaptively Simulation-Secure Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption, (with P. Datta and K. Takashima), IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Volume 103-D, No.1, pp. 1556-1597 (2020).
Efficient Attribute-Based Signatures for Unbounded Arithmetic Branching Programs, (with P. Datta and K. Takashima), IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 104-A, No.1, pp. 25-57 (2021).
Standard model leakage-resilient authenticated key exchange using inner-product extractors. (with Janaka Alawatugoda), Des. Codes Cryptogr. 90(4): 1059-1079 (2022)
A New Quantitative Definition of the Complexity of Organized Matters. Complexity: 1889348:1-1889348:18 (2022)
International conference papers
Modification of the Fiat-Shamir Scheme, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of Crypto'88, LNCS 403, Springer-Verlag, pp.232-243 (1990).
Divertible Zero Knowledge Interactive Proofs and Commutative Random Self-Reducibility, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'89, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, pp.134-149 (1990).
Disposable Zero-Knowledge Authentications and Their Applications to Untraceable Electronic Cash, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of Crypto'89, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, pp.481-496 (1990).
Membership Authentication for Hierarchical Multigroups Using the Extended Fiat-Shamir Scheme, (with K. Ohta and K. Koyama), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'90, LNCS 473, Springer-Verlag, pp.446-457 (1991).
How to Utilize the Randomness of Zero-Knowledge Proofs, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of Crypto'90, LNCS 537, Springer-Verlag, pp.456-475 (1991).
ESIGN: An Efficient Digital Signature Implementation for Smart Cards, (with A. Fujioka and S. Miyaguchi), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'91, LNCS 547, Springer-Verlag, pp.446-457 (1992).
Interactive Bi-Proof Systems and Undeniable Signature Schemes, with A. Fujioka and K. Ohta, the proceedings of Eurocrypt'91, LNCS 547, Springer-Verlag, pp.243-256 (1992).
Direct Zero Knowledge Proofs of Computational Power in Five Rounds, (with D. Chaum and K. Ohta), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'91, LNCS 547, Springer-Verlag, pp.96-105 (1992).
Reducing Elliptic Curve Logarithms to Logarithms in a Finite Field, (with A. Menezes and S. Vanstone), the proceedings of STOC, pp.80-89 (1991).
Universal Electronic Cash, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of Crypto'91, LNCS 576, Springer-Verlag, pp.324-337 (1992).
Efficient Algorithms for the Construction of Hyperelliptic Cryptosystems, (with K. Sakurai), the proceedings of Crypto'91, LNCS 576, Springer-Verlag, pp.267-278 (1992).
New Public-Key Schemes Based on Elliptic Curves over the Ring Z_n, (with K. Koyama, U.M. Maurer, and S.A. Vanstone), the proceedings of Crypto'91, LNCS 576, Springer-Verlag, pp.252-266 (1992).
An Extension of Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Its Applications, the proceedings of ASIACRYPT'91, LNCS 739, Springer-Verlag, pp. 368-381(1992).
A Digital Multisignature Scheme Based on the Fiat-Shamir Scheme, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of ASIACRYPT'91, LNCS 739, Springer-Verlag, pp. 139-148 (1992).
How Intractable Is the Discrete Logarithm for a General Finite Group, (with K. Sakurai and H. Shizuya), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'92, LNCS 658, Springer-Verlag, pp.420-428 (1993).
Secure Bit Commitment Function against Divertibility, (with K. Ohta and A. Fujioka), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'92, LNCS 658, Springer-Verlag, pp.324-340 (1993).
An Efficient Digital Signature Scheme Based on an Elliptic Curve over the Ring Z_n, (with A. Fujioka and E. Fujisaki), the proceedings of Crypto'92, LNCS, Springer--Verlag, pp.54-65 (1993).
Provably Secure and Practical Identification Schemes and Corresponding Signature Schemes, the proceedings of Crypto'92, LNCS, Springer--Verlag, pp.31-53 (1993).
A Practical Secret Voting Scheme for Large Scale Elections, (with A. Fujioka and K. Ohta), the proceedings of Auscrypt'92, LNCS, Springer--Verlag (1993).
On Key Distribution and Authentication in Mobile Radio Networks, (with C. Park, K.Kurosawa, and S. Tsujii), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'93, LNCS, Springer-Verlag (1994).
Survey of Digital Signature Schemes, (with K. Ohta),the proceedings of SPRC (the symposium on State and Progress of Research in Cryptography), Rome, pp.17-29 (1993),
On the Relationship among Cryptographic Physical Assumptions, the Proceedings of ISAAC'93, LNCS 762, Springer-Verlag, pp. 369-378 (1993).
Designated Confirmer Signatures and Public-Key Encryption Are Equivalent, the proceedings of Crypto'94, LNCS 839, Springer-Verlag, pp. 61-74 (1995).
Simultaneous Secret Exchange Protocols Based on General Assumptions, (with K. Ohta), the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (1994).
Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Computational Power in the Shared String Model, (with A. De Santis and G. Persiano), the proceedings of ASIACRYPT'94, LNCS, Springer-Verlag (1995).
Single-Term Divisible Electronic Coins, (with T. Eng), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'94, LNCS 950, Springer-Verlag, pp.306-319 (1995).
Honest Verifier vs Dishonest Verifier in Public Coin Zero-Knowledge Proofs, (with I. Damgaard, O. Goldreich and A. Wigderson), the proceedings of Crypto'95}, LNCS 963, Springer--Verlag, pp.325--338 (1995).
An Efficient Divisible Electronic Cash Scheme, the proceedings of Crypto'95, LNCS 963, Springer-Verlag, pp.438-451 (1995).
Practical Escrow Cash Systems, (with E. Fujisaki), the proceedings of Security Protocols Workshop, LNCS 1189, Springer-Verlag, pp. 33-48 (1996).
On Relationships between Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs, the proceedings of STOC, pp.649-658 (1996).
An Electronic Voting Scheme, the proceedings of IFIP'96, IT Tools (1996).
Receipt-Free Electronic Voting Schemes for Large Scale Elections, the proceedings of Security Protocols Workshop, LNCS 1361, Springer-Verlag, pp.25-36 (1997).
Threshold Key-Recovery Systems for RSA, the proceedings of Security Protocols Workshop, LNCS 1361, Springer-Verlag, pp.192-200 (1997).
Statistical Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Prove Polynomial Relations, (with E. Fujisaki), the proceedings of Crypto'97, LNCS1294, Springer-Verlag, pp16-30 (1997).
Keeping the SZK-Verifier Honest Uncondi tionally, (with G. DiCrescenzo and M. Yung), the proceedings of Crypto'97, LNCS 1294, pp31-45 Springer-Verlag (1997).
Lower Bounds on Term-Based Divisible Cash Systems, (with M. Yung), the proceedings of PKC'98, LNCS 1431, Springer-Verlag, pp72-82 (1998).
NTT's Public-Key Cryptosystem and Electronic Money System, (with H.Kawahara and K.Koyama), the proceedings of PKS'98, Certicom (1998).
Security of an Identity-Based Cryptosystem and the Related Reductions, (with S. Uchiyama), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'98, LNCS 1403, Springer-Verlag, pp546-560 (1998).
A Practical and Provably Secure Scheme for Publicly Secret Sharing and Its Application, (with E. Fujisaki), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'98, LNCS 1403, Springer-Verlag, pp32-46 (1998).
A Public-Key Cryptosystem as Secure as Factoring, (with S. Uchiyama), the proceedings of Eurocrypt'98, LNCS 1403, Springer-Verlag, pp308-318 (1998).
On Concrete Security Treatment of Signature Schemes Derived from Identification, (with K. Ohta), the proceedings of Crypto'98, LNCS 1462, Springer-Verlag, pp354-369 (1998).
TSH-ESIGN: Efficient Digital Signature Scheme Using Trisection Size Hash, (with E.Fujisaki and H.Morita), IEEE P1363a (1998).
Provable Security of Practical Public-Key Encryption Scheme, the proceedings of JWIS98 (1998).
Oblivious Transfer Channels and Dealing Channels, DMTCS'99 (1999).
How to Enhance the Security of Public-Key Encryptions at Minimum Cost, (with E. Fujisaki), the proceedings of PKC'99, LNCS 1560, Springer-Verlag, pp.53-68 (1999).
Secure Integration of Asymmetric and Symmetric Encryption Schemes, (with E. Fujisaki), the proceedings of Crypto'99, LNCS 1666, Springer-Verlag, pp.537-554 (1999).
A Signature Scheme with Message Recovery as Secure as Discrete Logarithm, (with M. Abe), the proceedings of ASIACRYPTo'99, LNCS 1716, Springer-Verlag, pp.378-389 (1999).
Quantum Public-Key Cryptosystems, (with K.Tanaka and S.Uchiyama), the proceedings of Crypto 2000, LNCS 1880, Springer-Verlag, pp.147-165 (2000).
Provably Secure Partially Blind Signatures, (with M.Abe), the proceedings of Crypto 2000, LNCS 1880, Springer-Verlag, pp.271- 286 (2000).
The Gap-Problems: a New Class of Problems for the Security of Cryptographic Schemes, (with D. Pointcheval), the proceedings of PKC'01, LNCS 1992, Springer-Verlag, pp.104-118 (2001).
REACT: Rapid Enhanced-security Asymmetric Cryptosystem Transform, (with D. Pointcheval), the proceedings of Cryptographers' Track at RSA Conference'01 (CT-RSA'01), LNCS 2020, Springer-Verlag, pp.159-175 (2001).
RSA-OAEP is Secure under the RSA Assumption, (with E. Fujisaki, D. Pointcheval and J. Stern), the proceedings of Crypto'01, LNCS 2139, Springer-Verlag, pp.260-274 (2001).
A New Approach to Knapsack Cryptosystems (Extended Abstract), (with K. Tanaka), the proceedings of WISA2002, Vol.3, pp.33-42 (2002).
Almost Uniform Density of Power Residues and the Provable Security of ESIGN, (with J. Stern), the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2003, LNCS 2894, Springer, pp.287--301 (2003).
Resource Bounded Unprovability of Computational Lower Bounds, the Proceedings of Workshop on Cryptography and Related Mathematics, Chuo University, ePrint Archive 2003/187, IACR, (2003).
An RSA Family of Trap-door Permutations with a Common Domain and Its Application, (with R. Hayashi and K. Tanaka), the proceedings of PKC'04, LNCS, Springer-Verlag (2004).
A Universal Composable Channel Based on the KEM-DEM Framework, (with W. Nagao and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of TCC'05, LNCS, Springer-Verlag (2005).
Efficient Blind and Partially Blind Signatures Without Random Oracles, the proceedings of TCC'06, LNCS, Springer-Verlag (2006).
Cryptography Based on Bilinear Maps, the proceedings of AAECC-16} LNCS 3857, Springer-Verlag, pp.35-50 (2006).
On Pairing-Based Cryptosystems, the proceedings of Vietcrypt'06, LNCS 4341, Springer-Verlag, pp.50-66 (2006).
Universally Composable Identity-Based Encryption, (with R. Nishimaki and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of Vietcrypt'06, LNCS 4341, Springer-Verlag, pp.337-353 (2006).
Authenticated Key Exchange and Key Encapsulation in the Standard Model, the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2007, LNCS 4833, Springer-Verlag, pp.474-484, (2007).
Relationship of Three Cryptographic Channels in the UC Framework, (with W. Nagao and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of ProvSec 2008, LNCS 5324, Springer-Verlag, pp. 268-282, (2008).
Homomorphic Encryption and Signatures from Vector Decomposition, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of Pairing 2008, LNCS 5209, Springer-Verlag, pp.57-74, (2008).
An Efficient Anonymous Credential System, (with N. Akagi and Yoshifumi Manabe) the proceedings of Financial Cryptography 2008, LNCS 5143, Springer-Verlag, pp. 272-286, (2008).
Chosen Ciphertext Security with Optimal Ciphertext Overhead, (with M. Abe and E. Kiltz) the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2008, LNCS 5350, Springer-Verlag, pp. 355-371, (2008).
Compact CCA-Secure Encryption for Messages of Arbitrary Length, (with M. Abe) the proceedings of PKC 2009, LNCS 5443, Springer Springer-Verlag, pp. 377-392, (2009).
An eCK-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol without Random Oracles, (with D. Moriyama) the proceedings of ProvSec 2009, LNCS 5848, Springer Springer-Verlag, pp. 154-167, (2009).
Hierarchical Predicate Encryption for Inner-Products, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2009, LNCS 5912, Springer Springer-Verlag, pp. 214-231, (2009).
Meta-Envy-Free Cake-Cutting Protocols, (with Y. Manabe) the proceedings of MFCS 2010, LNCS 6281, Springer-Verlag, pp. 501-512, (2010).
Efficient Secure Auction Protocols Based on the Boneh-Goh-Nissim Encryption, (with T. Mitsunaga and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of IWSEC 2010, LNCS6434, Springer-Verlag, pp. 149-163, (2010).
Fully Secure Functional Encryption: Attribute-Based Encryption and (Hierarchical) Inner Product Encryption, (with A. B. Lewko, A. Sahai, K. Takashima and B. Waters) the proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2010, LNCS 6110, Springer-Verlag, pp. 62-91, (2010).
Fully Secure Functional Encryption with General Relations from the Decisional Linear Assumption, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of CRYPTO 2010, LNCS 6223, Springer-Verlag, pp. 191-208, (2010).
Efficient Attribute-Based Signatures for Non-monotone Predicates in the Standard Model, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of PKC 2011, LNCS 6571, Springer-Verlag, pp. 35-52, (2011).
A Secure M + 1st Price Auction Protocol Based on Bit Slice Circuits, (with T. Mitsunaga and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of IWSEC 2011, LNCS 7038, Springer-Verlag, pp. 51-64, (2011).
Leakage resilient eCK-secure key exchange protocol without random oracles, (with D. Moriyama) the proceedings of ASIACCS 2011, pp. 441-447, (2011).
Achieving Short Ciphertexts or Short Secret-Keys for Adaptively Secure General Inner-Product Encryption, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of CANS 2011, LNCS 7092, Springer-Verlag, pp. 138-159, (2011).
Some Key Techniques on Pairing Vector Spaces, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of AFRICACRYPT 2011, LNCS 6737, Springer-Verlag, pp. 380-382, (2011).
A Cryptographic Moving-Knife Cake-Cutting Protocol, (with Y. Manabe) the proceedings of IWIGP 2012, pp. 15-23, (2012).
Efficient Concurrent Oblivious Transfer in Super-Polynomial-Simulation Security, (with S. Kiyoshima and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of IWSEC 2012, LNCS 7631, Springer-Verlag, pp. 216-232, (2012).
Adaptively Attribute-Hiding (Hierarchical) Inner Product Encryption, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2012, LNCS 7237, Springer-Verlag, pp. 591-608, (2012).
Fully Secure Unbounded Inner-Product and Attribute-Based Encryption, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2012, LNCS 7658, Springer-Verlag, pp. 349-366, (2012).
Decentralized Attribute-Based Signatures, (with K. Takashima) the proceedings of PKC 2013, LNCS 7778, Springer-Verlag, pp. 125-142, (2013).
Constant-Round Black-Box Construction of Composable Multi-Party Computation Protocol, (with S. Kiyoshima and Y. Manabe) the proceedings of TCC 2014, LNCS 8349, Springer-Verlag, pp. 343-367, (2014).
Packing Messages and Optimizing Bootstrapping in GSW-FHE, (with R. Hiromasa and M. Abe) the proceedings of PKC 2015, LNCS 9020, Springer-Verlag, pp. 699-715, (2015).
New Realizations of Somewhere Statistically Binding Hashing and Positional Accumulators. (with K. Pietrzak, B. Waters, D. Wichs) the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2015, LNCS 9452, Springer-Verlag, pp 121-145 (2015).
Efficient Functional Encryption for Inner-Product Values with Full-Hiding Security, (with J. Tomida and M. Abe), ISC 2016: 408-425 (2016).
Signature Schemes with Randomized Verification (with C. Freitag, R. Goyal, S. Hohenberger, V. Koppulaand, E. Lee, J. Tran, B. Waters), ACNS 2017: 379-389 (2017).
Full-Hiding (Unbounded) Multi-input Inner Product Functional Encryption from the k-Linear Assumption, (with P. Datta and J. Tomida), Public Key Cryptography 2018: 245-277 (2018).
Adaptively Simulation-Secure Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption, (with P. Datta and K. Takashima), ASIACRYPT 2018: 640-672 (2018).
Efficient Attribute-Based Signatures for Unbounded Arithmetic Branching Programs. (with P. Datta and K. Takashima), Public Key Cryptography 2019: 127-158 (2019).
Academic Activities
Director of IACR (1998-2000)
Director of IEICE (2001-2003)
President of JSIAM (2007-2008 )
Visiting Professor
Visiting Assistant Professor of Univ. of Waterloo (Canada) (1989-1990)
Visiting Researcher of Bell Labs (USA) (1994-1995)