Materials and Devices Laboratory

Our mission is to research the fusion of different materials, manufacturing processes, and nano/microstructure device technologies to create novel devices that lead to paradigm shifts. Utilizing silica-based planar lightwave circuit technology, compound semiconductor optical and electronic device technology, silicon photonics technology, and nonlinear optical device technology, we carry out research and development of optical and electronic devices for future networks and for creating new value by applying them to various fields.


The Materials and Devices Laboratory conducts research in three areas: heterogeneous material and device technology, compound semiconductor device technology, and nanostructured device technology. Through these initiatives, we are creating highly innovative device technologies that will lead to a paradigm shift in ICT development for solutions to various social problems and for novel user experiences.

Heterogeneous Materials and Devices Research Group

Utilizing quartz-based planar lightwave circuit technology and periodically poled lithium niobate device technology, we carry out research and development of device technologies for the fusion of heterogeneous materials that will contribute to the innovation of photonic networks and computing in the future.

Compound Semiconductor Device Research Group

We carry out research and development of compound semiconductor electronics device technology, IC integration technology, and epitaxial crystal growth technology, which are superior in operational speed and functionality, as device technologies that will contribute to the advancement and performance improvement of future communications systems. We also carry out research and development of epitaxial crystal growth technology and device technology for sensing applications and power electronics applications.

Nanostructured Device Research Group

By establishing novel integration technology for nanostructured heterogeneous materials using semiconductor materials such as silicon and InP, III-V materials, and new functional materials, we conduct research and development of nanophotonics, which will provide extraordinary reductions in the cost, size, and power consumption of future optical devices.