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Inclusive Core: Integrative and Cooperative Network Architecture for the 6G/IOWN Era - White paper | NTT R&D Website
services have evolved from one generation to the next beginning with voice calls and expanding to data and
Microsoft Word - ñžHˆ,S¤ó¯ëü·Ö³¢Ûï¤ÈÚüÑ_r2.0-r1.1Ùü¹.docx
have evolved from one generation to the next beginning with voice calls and expanding to data and
Microsoft Word - ñžHˆ,S¤ó¯ëü·Ö³¢Ûï¤ÈÚüÑ_r1.1.docx
evolved from one generation to the next beginning with voice calls and expanding to data and multimedia en r1.2.pdf
Signal Processing Research Group | NTT Communication Science Laboratories | NTT R&D Website
voice interface, become increasingly popular in our daily lives. This means that speech will be used
信号処理研究グループ|NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所|NTT R&D Website
Impressions of One's Own Voice. Proc. Interspeech. Dublin, Ireland. Yuki Kitagishi, Naohiro Tawara, Atsunori