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Traffic engineering

R. Kawahara, T. Mori, and T. Abe, " QoS control to handle long-duration large flows and its performance evaluation," IEEE ICC'06, June 2006.
R. Kawahara, T. Mori, N. Kamiyama, S. Harada, and H. Hasegawa, "Adaptive bandwidth control to handle long-duration large flows," IEEE ICC 2009 (to appear).
Masato Uchida, Satoshi Kamei, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Takeo Abe, "QoS-aware Overlay Routing with Limited Number of Alternative Route Candidates and its Evaluation," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E89-B, no.9, pp. 2361-2374, Sep. 2006.
R. Kawahara, E. K. Lua, M. Uchida, S. Kamei, and H. Yoshino, "On the Quality of Triangle Inequality Violation Aware Routing Overlay Architecture," IEEE Infocom 2009 mini-conference (to appear).
R. Kawahara, N. Kamiyama, S. Harada, H. Hasegawa, and S. Asano, "Identifying anomalous traffic sources using flow statistics," IEEE Globecom 2008, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
R. Kawahara, K. Ishibashi, T. Mori, N. Kamiyama, S. Harada, and S. Asano, "Detection accuracy of network anomalies using sampled flow statistics," IEEE Globecom 2007, Nov. 2007.
N. Kamiyama, T. Mori, "Simple and Accurate Identification of High-Rate Flows by Packet Sampling," IEEE INFOCOM 2006, Barcelona, April 2006.
N. Kamiyama, "Identifying High-Rate Flows with Less Memory," 8th IEEE Global Internet Symposium, Miami, March 2005.
N. Kamiyama, T. Mori, R. Kawahara, S. Harada, "Optimum Identification of Worm-Infected Hosts," IEEE IPOM 2008, Samos, September 2008.
N. Kamiyama, T. Mori, R. Kawahara, S. Harada, and H. Yoshino, "Extracting Worm-Infected Hosts Using White List," IEEE SAINT 2008, Turku, August 2008.
N. Kamiyama, T. Mori, and R. Kawahara, "Simple and Adaptive identification of Superspreaders by Flow Sampling," IEEE INFOCOM 2007 mini-symposium, Alaska, May 2007.
N. Kamiyama, "Optimum Server Selection in Content Distribution Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2006, San Francisco, December 2006.
T. Mori, T. Takine, J. Pan, R. Kawahara. M. Uchida, and S. Goto "Identifying Heavy-Hitter Flows From Sampled Flow Statistics" IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E90-B, No.11, pp. 3061--3072, November 2007
T. Mori, M. Uchida, R. Kawahara, J. Pan and S. Goto, "Identifying elephant flows through periodically sampled packets," ACM SIGCOMM/Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2004), Taormina, Italy, October 2004
T. Mori, "A robust approach of detecting anomalous hosts," Intimate 2006, Network Anomaly Diagnosis Workshop, Paris, France, July 2006. (invited)
S. Harada, R. Kawahara, T. Mori, N. Kamiyama, H. Hasegawa and H. Yoshino, "A Method of Detecting Network Anomalies in Cyclic Traffic," IEEE GLOBECOM 2008,
R. Kawahara, T. Mori, K. Ishibashi, N. Kamiyama, and H. Yoshino, "Packet sampling TCP flow rate estimation and performance degradation detection method," IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol.E91-B, No.5, pp.1309-1319, May 2008.
R. Kawahara, K. Ishibashi, T. Mori, and T. Abe, "A Method of Detecting Performance Degradation at TCP Flow Level from Sampled Packet Streams" IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2005), Hong Kong, China, May 2005.
R. Kawahara, T. Mori, K. Ishibashi, N. Kamiyama, and T. Abe, "Estimating flow rate from sampled packet streams for detection of performance degradation at TCP flow level," IEEE Globecom'06, Nov. 2006.
R. Kawahara, K. Ishibashi, T. Asaka, S. Sumita, and T. Abe, "A Method of Bandwidth Dimensioning and Management Using Flow Statistics," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E88-B, no.2, pp.643-653, Feb. 2005.
N. Kamiyama, T. Mori, R. Kawahara, and E. K. Lua, "Efficient Timeout Checking Mechanism for Traffic Control," IEEE ICCCN 2007, Hawaii, August 2007.
T. Mori, R. Kawahara, N. Kamiyama, and S. Harada, "Inferring original traffic pattern from sampled flow statistics," IEEE SAINT 2007 Workshop on Internet Measurement Technology, Hiroshima, Japan, January 2007.
Ryoichi Kawahara, Keisuke Ishibashi, Tatsuya Mori, Toshihisa Ozawa, and Takeo Abe, "Method of Bandwidth Dimensioning and Management for Aggregated TCP Flows with Heterogeneous Access Links," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E88-B, no.12, pp.4605-4615, Dec. 2005.
N. Kamiyama and H. Miwa, "Connectivity and Stability at Failures in ISP Backbone Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, New Orleans, December 2008.
N. Kamiyama, R. Kawahara, and H. Hasegawa, "Performance Evaluation of Parallel Download in Streaming Services," CSNDSP 2008, Graz, July 2008.
N. Kamiyama, "Efficient Construction of Candidate Set for Network Topology Design," IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, June 2009.
N. Kamiyama and D. Satoh, "Network Topology Design using Analytic Hierarchy Process," IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, May 2008.
N. Kamiyama, R. Kawahara, and H. Yoshino, "Network Topology Design Considering Detour Traffic Caused by Link Failure," 13th International Telecommunication Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (networks 2008), Buda Pest, October 2008.
N. Kamiyama, "Network Topology Design using Data Envelopment Analysis," IEEE GLOBECOM 2007, Washington D.C., December 2007.
N. Kamiyama, "Network Topology Design with Multiple Criteria," 12th International Telecommunication Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (networks 2006), New Delhi, November 2006.
N. Kamiyama, "Cost-Efficient Backup-Plane Architecture for Single-hop WDM Network," IEEE LCN 2008, Montreal, October 2008.
N. Kamiyama, "A Large-Scale AWG-based Single-Hop WDM Network Using Couplers with Collision Avoidance," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.23, No.7, pp.2194-2205, July 2005.
N. Kamiyama, "Comparison of Single-hop WDM Architectures for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks," 9th Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM2005), 8.2, Milano, February 2005.