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NAKANO, Yuusuke


  • Yuusuke Nakano received an M.E. degree in system engineering from Wakayama University in 2005 and a Ph.D. degree in information science and technology from Osaka University in 2011. He joined NTT Network Service System Laboratories in 2005. He is currently in NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories. His research interests include anomaly detection, web performance measurement and acceleration. He is a member of the IEICE and IPSJ


[Refereed Journal Papers]

  1. Yuusuke Nakano, Koji Tsukada, Saeko Takagi, Kei Iwasaki, and Fujiichi Yoshimoto: InCom: Support System for Informal Communication in 3DVirtualWorlds Generated from Common HTML Documents, IEICE Trans., Special Issue on CyberWorlds, Vol. E88-D, No. 5, pp. 872-879 (May 2005).
  2. Noriaki Kamiyama, Yuusuke Nakano, and Kohei Shiomoto: Cache Replacement Based on Distance to Origin Servers, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (Dec. 2016).

[International Conference Presentations]

  1. Nakano, Y., Tsukada, K., Takagi, S., Iwasaki, K., and Yoshiomto, F.: Support System for Informal Communication in 3D Web World, in Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2004), pp. 439-446 (Nov. 2004).
  2. Nakano, Y., Yamato, Y., Sunaga, H., Takemoto, M., Saldarriaga, G, E., and Sunaga, H.; Context-aware Service Composition for in Ubiquitous Communication Networks, in Proceedings of i2ComM2005, pp. 95-100 (Oct. 2005).
  3. Sunaga, H., Takemoto, M., Yamato, Y., Yokohata, Y., Nakano, Y., and Hamada, M.: Ubiquitous Life Creation through Service Composition Technologies, in Proceedings of World Telecommunications Congress 2006 (WTC2006), CD-ROM (May 2006).
  4. Nakano, Y., Takemoto, M., Yamato, Y., and Sunaga, H.: Effective Web-Service Creation Method For Ubiquitous Service Oriented Architecture, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Business Service Networks 2006 (BSN2006), pp. 555-561 (June 2006).
  5. Yokohata, Y., Yamato, Y., Nakano, Y., Hamada, M., Takemoto, M., and Sunaga, H.: Ubiquitous Services - The Technology providing ubiquitous services and evaluation with a field trial, in Proceedings of i2ComM2006, pp. 115-123 (Sept. 2006).
  6. Nakano, Y., Yamato, Y., Takemoto, M., and Sunaga, H.: Method of creating web services from web applications, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications 2007 (SOCA2007), pp. 65-71 (June 2007).
  7. Nakano, Y., Yamato, Y., and Sunaga, H.: Web-Service-Based Avatar Service Modeling, in Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies (APSITT2008), pp. 52 - 57 (Apr. 2006).
  8. Yamato, Y., Nakano, Y., and Sunaga, H.: Study and Evaluation of Context-Aware Service Composition and Change-Over Using BPEL Engine and Semantic Web Techniques, in Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2008), pp. 863 - 867 (Jan. 2008).
  9. Miyagi, Y., Yamato, Y., Nakano, Y., and Hirano, M.: Support System for Developing Web Service Composition Scenarios without Need for Web Application Skills, in Proceedings of Applications and the Internet 2009 (SAINT2009), pp. 193 - 196 (July 2009).
  10. Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., and Shiomoto, K.: Cache Replacement Policy Based on Server Distance, in Proceedings of Integrated Network Management Symposium 2015 (IM2015), (May 2015)
  11. Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., Miyahara, H.: Investigating Structure of Modern Web Traffic, in Proceedings of IEEE 16th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2015), (July 2015).
  12. Nakano, Y., Kamiyama, N., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., and Miyahara, H.: Web Performance Acceleration by Caching Rendering Results, in Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium 2015 (APNOMS2015),(July 2015)
  13. Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., and Miyahara, H.: Priority Control Based on Website Categories in Edge Computing,, IEEE GIS 2016, (Apr 2016).
  14. Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., and Miyahara, H.: Analyzing Effect of Edge Computing on Reduction of Web Response Time, IEEE GLOBECOM 2016,(Dec 2016).
  15. Ikeda, Y., Ishibashi, K., Nakano, Y., Watanabe, K., Tajiri, K., and Kawahara, R.: Human-Assisted Online Anomaly Detection with Normal Outlier Retraining, KDD Workshop ODD v5.0, (Aug. 2018).
  16. Tajiri, K., Ikeda, Y., Nakano, Y., and Watanabe, K.: Dividing Deep Learning Model for Continuous Anomaly Detection of Inconsistent ICT Systems, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2020 (NOMS 2020), (April 2020).
  17. Z. Wang, Y. Nakano, K. Watanabe and K. Nishimatsu, "A Method of Delivering Fuel to Telecommunication Exchange Buildings in Disaster Response," 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), 2021, pp. 375-380, doi: 10.1109/ICAIIC51459.2021.9415246.
  18. Z. Wang, Y. Nakano and K. Nishimatsu, "The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Time Costs," 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2021, pp. 278-287, doi: 10.1109/ICDMW53433.2021.00042.