[Refereed Journal Papers]
- Yuusuke Nakano, Koji Tsukada, Saeko Takagi, Kei Iwasaki, and Fujiichi Yoshimoto: InCom: Support System for Informal Communication in 3DVirtualWorlds Generated from Common HTML Documents, IEICE Trans., Special Issue on CyberWorlds, Vol. E88-D, No. 5, pp. 872-879 (May 2005).
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Yuusuke Nakano, and Kohei Shiomoto: Cache Replacement Based on Distance to Origin Servers, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (Dec. 2016).
[International Conference Presentations]
- Nakano, Y., Tsukada, K., Takagi, S., Iwasaki, K., and Yoshiomto, F.: Support System for Informal Communication in 3D Web World, in Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2004), pp. 439-446 (Nov. 2004).
- Nakano, Y., Yamato, Y., Sunaga, H., Takemoto, M., Saldarriaga, G, E., and Sunaga, H.; Context-aware Service Composition for in Ubiquitous Communication Networks, in Proceedings of i2ComM2005, pp. 95-100 (Oct. 2005).
- Sunaga, H., Takemoto, M., Yamato, Y., Yokohata, Y., Nakano, Y., and Hamada, M.: Ubiquitous Life Creation through Service Composition Technologies, in Proceedings of World Telecommunications Congress 2006 (WTC2006), CD-ROM (May 2006).
- Nakano, Y., Takemoto, M., Yamato, Y., and Sunaga, H.: Effective Web-Service Creation Method For Ubiquitous Service Oriented Architecture, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Business Service Networks 2006 (BSN2006), pp. 555-561 (June 2006).
- Yokohata, Y., Yamato, Y., Nakano, Y., Hamada, M., Takemoto, M., and Sunaga, H.: Ubiquitous Services - The Technology providing ubiquitous services and evaluation with a field trial, in Proceedings of i2ComM2006, pp. 115-123 (Sept. 2006).
- Nakano, Y., Yamato, Y., Takemoto, M., and Sunaga, H.: Method of creating web services from web applications, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications 2007 (SOCA2007), pp. 65-71 (June 2007).
- Nakano, Y., Yamato, Y., and Sunaga, H.: Web-Service-Based Avatar Service Modeling, in Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies (APSITT2008), pp. 52 - 57 (Apr. 2006).
- Yamato, Y., Nakano, Y., and Sunaga, H.: Study and Evaluation of Context-Aware Service Composition and Change-Over Using BPEL Engine and Semantic Web Techniques, in Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2008), pp. 863 - 867 (Jan. 2008).
- Miyagi, Y., Yamato, Y., Nakano, Y., and Hirano, M.: Support System for Developing Web Service Composition Scenarios without Need for Web Application Skills, in Proceedings of Applications and the Internet 2009 (SAINT2009), pp. 193 - 196 (July 2009).
- Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., and Shiomoto, K.: Cache Replacement Policy Based on Server Distance, in Proceedings of Integrated Network Management Symposium 2015 (IM2015), (May 2015)
- Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., Miyahara, H.: Investigating Structure of Modern Web Traffic, in Proceedings of IEEE 16th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2015), (July 2015).
- Nakano, Y., Kamiyama, N., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., and Miyahara, H.: Web Performance Acceleration by Caching Rendering Results, in Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium 2015 (APNOMS2015),(July 2015)
- Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., and Miyahara, H.: Priority Control Based on Website Categories in Edge Computing,, IEEE GIS 2016, (Apr 2016).
- Kamiyama, N., Nakano, Y., Shiomoto, K., Hasegawa, G., Murata, M., and Miyahara, H.: Analyzing Effect of Edge Computing on Reduction of Web Response Time, IEEE GLOBECOM 2016,(Dec 2016).
- Ikeda, Y., Ishibashi, K., Nakano, Y., Watanabe, K., Tajiri, K., and Kawahara, R.: Human-Assisted Online Anomaly Detection with Normal Outlier Retraining, KDD Workshop ODD v5.0, (Aug. 2018).
- Tajiri, K., Ikeda, Y., Nakano, Y., and Watanabe, K.: Dividing Deep Learning Model for Continuous Anomaly Detection of Inconsistent ICT Systems, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2020 (NOMS 2020), (April 2020).
- Z. Wang, Y. Nakano, K. Watanabe and K. Nishimatsu, "A Method of Delivering Fuel to Telecommunication Exchange Buildings in Disaster Response," 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), 2021, pp. 375-380, doi: 10.1109/ICAIIC51459.2021.9415246.
- Z. Wang, Y. Nakano and K. Nishimatsu, "The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Time Costs," 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2021, pp. 278-287, doi: 10.1109/ICDMW53433.2021.00042.