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URATA, Yuichiro


  • 2009 Bachelor of Engineering, University of Electro-Communications
  • 2011 Master of Engineering, University of Electro-Communications
  • 2011-2012 NTT Service Integration Laboratories
  • 2012-2015 NTT Network Technology Laboratories
  • 2015-2018 NTT West R&D Center
  • 2018-Present NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories (former NTT Network Technology Laboratories)

Research Interests

Video Quality Assessment


[Peer-reviewed Journal Articles]

  1. Y. Urata, M. Koike, K. Yamagishi, and N. Egi, “Metadata-based Quality-Estimation Model for Tile-based Omnidirectional Video Streaming,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E106-B, No.5, pp.478-488, May 2023.
  2. M. Koike, Y. Urata, and K. Yamagishi, “Bitstream-quality-estimation Model for Tile-based VR Video Streaming Services,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E105-B, No.8, pp.1002-1013, Aug. 2022.

[Peer-reviewed Conference Papers]

  1. Kimiko Kawashima, Yuichiro Urata, Noritsugu Egi, and Kazuhisa Yamagishi, “Study on Effect of Display Layout for Web Conferencing Services on Subjective Evaluation Stability,” in Proc. of Electronic Imaging 2024, pp. 222-1-222-6, Jan. 2024.
  2. Masanori Koike, Yuichiro Urata, Noritsugu Egi, and Kazuhisa Yamagishi, “Extension of ITU-T P.1204.3 Model to Tile-Based VR Streaming Services,” in Proc. of IEEE CQR 2021, May 2021.
  3. Yuichiro Urata, Masanori Koike, Kazuhisa Yamagishi, Noritsugu Egi, and Jun Okamoto, “Extension of ITU-T P.1203 model to tile-based omnidirectional video streaming," in Proc. of Electronic Imaging 2021, pp. 161-1-161-6, Jan. 2021.
  4. Motohiro Takagi, Hiroshi Fujii, Atsushi Shimizu, Yuichiro Urata, and Kazuhisa Yamagishi, "Subjective Video Quality Estimation to Determine Optimal Spatio-temporal Resolution," Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2013), Dec. 2013.


  1. M. Koike, Y. Urata, K. Yamagishi, “Subjective Quality Assessment for Tile-based VR Video Streaming,” ITU-T Contribution COM 12 – C346, May 2019.
  2. Y. Urata, "Audio part of the G.OMVAS for Lower Resolution scenario," ITU-T Contribution COM 12 - C181, Sept. 2014.
  3. A. Takahashi, Y. Urata, M. Masuda, "Proposal for extension of methodology for deriving equipment impairment factors from instrumental models of Recommendation ITU-T P.834.1," ITU-T Contribution COM 12 - C180, Sept. 2014.
  4. Y. Urata, "Results of NTT test conducted in March," ITU-T SG12 Q.14 Rapporteur's meeting in Chemnitz, Jun. 2014.
  5. Y. Urata, "Proposed models in P.NATS," ITU-T SG12 Q.14 Rapporteur's meeting in Stockholm, Feb. 2014.