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SHIOZU, Akihiro


NTT Service Integration Laboratories
DOCOMO Technology, Inc.
Core Network Development Department, NTT DOCOMO, INC.
NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories

Research Interests

Telecommunication traffic / quality prediction, network control, computer simulation, machine learning


[Journal Papers]

  1. A. Shiozu & K. Abe, “A TCP Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Machine Learning Approach and Its Evaluation,” IEICE Trans. Communications, Vol. J92-B, No. 1, pp.174-184, Jun. 2009 (in Japanese).
  2. H. Kitada, T. Miyoshi, A. Shiozu, M. Tsujino, M. Iwashita & H. Yoshino, “General Flow Characteristics of P2P Streaming Considering Impact to Network Load,” Computer and Information Science 2010, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 317, pp.73-83, Aug. 2010.
  3. A. Shiozu, S. Yazaki & K. Abe, “Improving Bandwidth Utilization and Fairness between TCP Flows based on a Machine-learning Approach,”IEEJ Trans. on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol. 133, No. 6, pp.1259-1268, Jun. 2013 (in Japanese).

[International Conference/ Workshop Presentations]

  1. H. Kitada, T. Miyoshi, A. Shiozu, M. Tsujino, M. Iwashita, H. Yoshino, “General Flow Characteristics of P2P Streaming Considering Impact to Network Load,” Computer and Information Science 2010, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 317, pp.73-83, Aug. 2010.
  2. A. Shiozu and K. Abe, “A Machine-learning Approach to Improve TCP Congestion Control,” Proc. IWMST2010, Kitami, pp.277-282, Sep. 2010.
  3. Masayuki TSUJINO, Akihiro SHIOZU and Haruhisa HASEGAWA, "Path Protection Design for Robust Communication Network," Proc. DS'11, Kobe, pp. 7-12, Sep. 2011.
  4. H. Hasegawa, S. Kouno, A. Shiozu, M. Sasaki & S. Shimogawa, “Predictive network traffic engineering for streaming video service," Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, pp.788-791, May 2013.
  5. I. Ikeda, S. Kouno, A. Shiozu & K. Noritake, “A framework of scalable QoE modeling for application explosion in the Internet of Things," IEEE WF-IoT 2016, pp.425-429, Dec. 2016.


  1. A. Shiozu, T. Kimura, M. Yokota, K. Yamamoto & K.Yamagishi, “Achieving Advanced Maintenance Works with AI," NTT DOCOMO Technical Journal, Vol.21, No.1, pp.29-37, Jul. 2019.
  2. M. Suzuki, T. Kimura, A. Shiozu, W. Chen, S. Akiyama, S. Shibata & K. Suzuki, “Initiatives to Advanced Network Management Using AI Technics in Mobile Networks," The Journal of IEICE, Vol.105, No.10, pp.1201-1207, Oct. 2022.