Submission |
The submission should be made through on-line.
The submitted papers will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based
on quality, originality and relevance.
The paper submission is closed. |
Important Dates | |
May 9, 2003 | Submission of 2 page paper summary or 4 page paper |
June 20, 2003 | Notification of Acceptance |
July 31, 2003 | Submission of 4 page Camera-ready Paper |
September 8-11, 2003 | IWAENC2003 |
Prepare your paper |
Two page paper summary should include Title, Authors, Affiliation, Contact
address, Abstract, Figures, and References. |
-This one-page template summarizes the required format. -Using this [LaTeX style file 1] is the simplest way to go. It can be used with both LaTeX 2.09 and LaTeX2e. See the instructions in the file header. If you have some trouble with it, please try with [LaTex style file 2]. -See ICASSP 2003 submission kit step1 for more details. -Make sure that you are not using non-standard fonts, such as Chinese fonts, Japanese fonts, etc. |
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Paper entry is closed.
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Paper submission is closed.
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