TMI 2002
9th International Conference on
Theoretical and Methodological Issues in
Machine Translation
March 13 - 17, 2002
Keihanna, Japan
The TMI-2002 conference and workshop proceedings, along with most
of the tutorial slides are now available on-line at .
Thanks to the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT ) for
hosting the proceedings.
The ninth meeting of the TMI conference took place over March
13-17, 2002 near the historic cities of Nara and Kyoto in Japan.
Thank you everyone for making it a successful conference.
Main Conference (March 13-15)
Workshop (March 16)
Tutorials (March 17)
Registration is now over.
Local Information
Locations and Times
TMI-2002 Papers and Panels (March 13-15 (Wed-Fri), 2002)
NTT Communication Science Laboratories ,
NTT Keihanna building
2-4, Hikaridai, Seika-cho,
Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan, 619-0237
Tutorials and Workshop (March 16-17 (Sat-Sun), 2002)
Keihanna Plaza ,
1-7, Hikaridai, Seika-cho,
Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan, 619-0237
Schedule of dates
TMI 2002 Officers:
Program Committee Chairs:
Teruko Mitamura and
Eric Nyberg ,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Local Committee Chairs:
Francis Bond and
Hiromi Nakaiwa ,
NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan
General Chair: Sergei Nirenburg , Computing Research Lab, NMSU, USA
Program Committee
Timothy Baldwin (CSLI)
Christian Boitet (Université Joseph Fourier)
Andrew Bredenkamp (DFKI)
Lynn Carlson (U.S. Department of Defense)
Satoru Ikehara (Tottori University)
Hitoshi Isahara (CRL)
Kevin Knight (ISI)
Satoshi Sato (Kyoto University)
Harold Somers (UMIST)
Koichi Takeda (TRL-IBM)
Hideki Tanaka (ATR)
Local Committee
Laurel Fais (NTT)
Sanae Fujita (NTT)
Takashi Hamo (NTT)
Kyoko Kanzaki (CRL)
Tomoko Kawaguchi (NTT)
Kyonghee Paik (ATR)
Takaaki Tanaka (NTT)
Steering Committee
Sergei Nirenburg (Founder and Chair)
Scott Bennett
Pierre Isabelle
Hideki Tanaka
Geert Adriaens
Harold Somers
Francis Bond
Past TMI Conferences
8th: TMI-99 ,
Chester, U.K.
7th: TMI-97 ,
Santa Fe, U.S.A.
6th: TMI-95 ,
Leuven, Belgium
5th: TMI-93 ,
Kyoto, Japan
4th: TMI-92, Montreal, Canada
3rd: TMI-90, Austin, U.S.A.
2nd: TMI-88, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
1st: TMI-85, New York U.S.A.
Last modified: Tue May 28 18:16:40 JST 2002