Toshimori Honjo, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor
Quantum Optical State Control Research Group
Quantum Science and Technology Laboratory
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation

3-1, Morinosato-Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi,
Kanagawa Pref., 243-0198 Japan
Phone: +81 46 240 3405
Fax: +81 46 240 4726
E-mail: "at"
(E-mail address has been changed.)


Toshimori Honjo received the B.S., M.S. degrees in information science from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, in 1996 and 1998, and Ph.D. degree in engineering from Osaka University, Osaka, in 2007, respectively. He joined NTT Software Laboratories (NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories) in 1998. His research topic was secure communication in the internet. He implemented a flexible and high performance VPN protocol stack in Linux and Solaris respectively. In 2003, he moved to NTT Basic Research Laboratories to realize ultimate security with quantum cryptograpy (quantum key distribution). His research topic was quantum communicaton over the opical fiber. He experimentally demonstrated differnetial phase shift quantum key distribution and BBM92 quantum key distribution with entangled photon pairs. In 2009, he stayed at University of Vienna as a visiting researcher. From 2011 to 2015, he belonged to NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories (NTT Software Innovation Center) to manage the team of big data processing and analytics. He mainly targeted a hadoop as a big data processing platform, and deep learning as a data analysis method. In 2016, he moved back to NTT Basic Research Laboratories to challenge beyond von-Neumann computing. He is now engaged in research and development of Coherent Ising Machine. He is a member of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ).

Research Interest

International Conferences