Kenta Takata, Ph.D.
NTT Nanophotonics Center
Photonic Nanostructure Research Group,
Advanced Applied Physical Science Laboratory,
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Make it simple, elegant and practical!
- Published a paper in Scientific Reports (2021.4.21).
- Talked at a JSAP spring meeting (2021.3.17).
- I was selected as an APS Outstanding Referee (2021.2.25).
- Our paper has been published in Optica (2021.2.3).
- Talked at a JSAP autumn meeting (2020.9.10).
- Prof. Notomi gave an invited talk about our studies at the
SPIE Digital Forum (2020.8.20).
- Submitted a preprint (2020.7.6).
- We are working home to fight against the pandemic of
coronavirus (2020.4.10).
- Our work has been published in Communications Physics (2020.3.9).
- Our collaborative review paper has been published
in Nanophotonics (2020.1.30).
- Nathan completed his internship placement.
Hope to see him again (2019.12.20)!
- Had a talk in Frontiers in Optics, at Washington D.C. (2019.9.17).
- Mr. Nathan Roberts joined as my first intern (2019.7.1).
- Invited Dr. Ryan Hamerly as a guest presenter.
Hope to see him soon (2019.6.24).
- Visited Mr. Kohei Kawabata at University of Tokyo.
Thank him for fruitful discussion (2019.6.18).
- My e-mail address has been changed.
Contacts to the old address will still be forwarded (2019.6.7).
- Talked at Optics and Laser 2019, at San Francisco (2019.6.3).
- Gave a talk at a JSAP spring meeting (2019.3.11).
- Presented a poster talk at a CREST meeting (2018.12.12).
- Launched a press release about the PRL paper (2018.12.5).
- Published a paper in Physical Review Letters (2018.11.20).
- Talked at a JSAP fall meeting (2018.9.19).
- Talked at PIERS 2018 (2018.8.4).
- Published an introductory article for non-experts (2018.7.11).
- Published a Japanese review paper (2018.5.17).
- Gave a presentation at CLEO 2018 (2018.5.14).
- Gave a poster talk at a CREST meeting (2017.12.21).
- Served as a tutor of NTT-BRL School.
Thank all the students for visiting us! (2017.11.17).
- Submitted a preprint (2017.10.25).
- Gave two talks in a JSAP fall meeting (2017.9.8).
- Awarded by the Japanese Society of Applied Physics (2017.9.5).
- Gave a talk in ICO-24 (2017.8.24).
- Published a paper in Physical Review Applied (2017.5.26).
- A presentation was featured in Nature Photonics (2017.4.28).
- Published a paper in APL Photonics (2017.3.24).
- Gave a talk in a JSAP spring meeting (2017.3.15).
Email address
Feel free to contact:
Research fields
Nanophotonics, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, Semiconductor Physics
Research projects
My interest is to explore the intersection of future applications of advanced photonic crystal devices and novel concepts of basic photonic research, covering PT-symmetric optics (photonic exceptional points), topological photonics and coherent optical information processing circuits.
International journals
- Emulating the local Kuramoto model with an injection-locked photonic crystal laser array,
N. Takemura, K. Takata, M. Takiguchi and M. Notomi,
Scientific Reports 11, 8587 (2021).
*Preprint: arXiv:2010.16236 (2020).
- Observing exceptional-point degeneracy of radiation with electrically pumped photonic crystal coupled-nanocavity lasers,
K. Takata, K. Nozaki, E. Kuramochi, S. Matsuo, K. Takeda, T. Fujii, S. Kita, A. Shinya and M. Notomi,
Optica 8 (2), 184-192 (2021).
*Preprint: arXiv:2007.02638 (2020).
- Ultrashort low-loss Ψ gates for linear optical logic on Si photonics platform,
S. Kita, K. Nozaki, K. Takata, A. Shinya, and M. Notomi,
Communications Physics 3, 33 (2020).
Issued a NTT press release (in Japanese).
- Active topological photonics,
Y. Ota, K. Takata, T. Ozawa, A. Amo, Z. Jia, B. Kante, M. Notomi, Y. Arakawa and S. Iwamoto,
Nanophotonics 9 (3), 547-567 (2020).
*Preprint: arXiv:1912.05126 (2019).
I'm in charge of the section about non-Hermitian topological physics and photonics.
- Photonic Topological Insulating Phase Induced Solely by Gain and Loss,
K. Takata and M. Notomi,
Physical Review Letters 121 (21), 213902 (2018). [Editors' Suggestion]
Article ©2018 American Physical Society.
Issued a NTT press release (in English and Japanese).
Featured in Nature Communications 9, 2674 (2018).
*Accepted manuscript by CHORUS.
*Preprint: arXiv:1710.09169 (2017).
- PT-Symmetric Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Based on Buried Heterostructure Nanocavities,
K. Takata and M. Notomi,
Physical Review Applied 7 (5), 054023 (2017). [Editors' Suggestion]
Article ©2017 American Physical Society.
*Accepted manuscript by CHORUS.
- Coherent control of high efficiency metasurface beam deflectors with a back partial reflector,
S. Kita, K. Takata, M. Ono, K. Nozaki, E. Kuramochi, K. Takeda and M. Notomi,
APL Photonics 2 (4), 046104 (2017). [Editor's Pick]
Introductory article, for non-experts
Domestic journal, in Japanese
Presentations, as talker
International conferences
- Exceptional Point Transition of Electrically Pumped Photonic Crystal Nanolasers,
Kenta Takata, Kengo Nozaki, Eiichi Kuramochi, Shinji Matsuo, Koji Takeda, Takuro Fujii, Shota Kita, Akihiko Shinya and Masaya Notomi,
Frontiers in Optics (FiO 2019), FM4E.3, Washington, D.C., US, September 2019.
- Topologically Insulating One-Dimensional Photonic Lattices Based on Gain and Loss,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies (Optics & Laser 2019), San Francisco, US, June 2019 [invited].
- Non-Hermiticity-Based Topological Insulating Phase of Light,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2018), 4A13.3, Toyama, Japan, Aug 2018 [invited].
- Controllable Photonic Topological Insulating Chain Based on Non-Hermiticity,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), FM2Q.7, San Jose, US, May 2018.
- Transport in PT-symmetric Coupled Resonator Waveguide based on Photonic Crystal Nanocavities,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 24th Congress of the International Comission of Optics (ICO-24), Th3E-02, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 2017.
- Parity-Time Symmetric Coupled Resonator Waveguide with Photonic Crystal Nanocavities,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2016), Niigata, Japan, Jul 2016.
Domestic conferences (Japanese)
- Observation of exceptional point degeneracy with electrically pumped photonic crystal lasers,
Kenta Takata, Kengo Nozaki, Eiichi Kuramochi, Shinji Matsuo, Koji Takeda, Takuro Fujii, Shota Kita, Akihiko Shinya and Masaya Notomi,
The 81th JSAP Fall Meeting, Online Virtual Meeting, Sep 2020.
- Hexapole mode of a H1 photonic crystal cavity with a high theoretical Q-factor,
Kenta Takata, Eiichi Kuramochi, Akihiko Shinya, Hideaki Taniyama, Shota Kita and Masaya Notomi,
The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2019.
- Suppression and revival of oscillation of electrically pumped photonic crystal nanolasers by PT phase transition,
Kenta Takata, Kengo Nozaki, Eiichi Kuramochi, Shinji Matsuo, Koji Takeda, Takuro Fujii, Shota Kita, Akihiko Shinya and Masaya Notomi,
The 79th JSAP Fall Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, Sep 2018.
- [JSAP Young Scientist Award Speech] Photonic Topological Insulating Phase Induced by Gain and Loss,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 78th JSAP Fall Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, Sep 2017.
- Photonic Topological Insulator Based on Si Photonic Crystal Resonator Array,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 78th JSAP Fall Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, Sep 2017.
- Controllable One-Dimensional Photonic Topological Phase with PT-symmetry Breaking,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, Yokohama, Japan, Mar 2017.
Featured in Nature Photonics 11, 271 (2017).
- Analysis of a photonic-crystal PT-symmetric coupled resonator waveguide based on buried heterostructure nanocavities,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 63th JSAP Spring Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2016.
- Control of group velocity with PT-symmetric coupled-resonator optical waveguide,
Kenta Takata and Masaya Notomi,
The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, Sep 2015.
- Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society (2021.2).
- Best Paper Award, NTT-BRL Director's Awards of the fiscal year 2018,
"Photonic Topological Insulating Phase Induced Solely by Gain and Loss" (2019.3).
- Young Scientist Presentation Award, The Japanese Society of Applied Physics (2017.9).
Other web pages (including whole publication list)
Association memberships
- American Physical Society (APS)
- The Optical Society (OSA)
- The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
- The Physical Society of Japan (JPS)
Academic and professional experiences
- Researcher, NTT Basic Research Laboratories (2015.4 -)
- Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(2012.4 - 2015.3)
- Visiting Student Researcher, Stanford University
(2013.4 - 2013.9, 2010.10 - 2010.11)
- Research Assistant, National Institute of Informatics (2010.4 - 2012.10)
- Participating Student, National Institute of Informatics (2012.11 - 2015.3)
- Intern, RIKEN (2013.11 - 2015.3)
Internship students
- Mr. Nathan Roberts (University of Bath, 2019.7 - 2019.12)
Refereeing activities
in Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Optica, ACS Photonics, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review B, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Physical Review A, Scientific Reports, Applied Physics Express, Applied Optics, etc.
Ph.D. course (2010.4 - 2015.3)
Department of Information and Communication Engineering,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Tokyo
PI: Prof. Yoshihisa Yamamoto (JST Program Manager, Stanford University, National Institute of Informatics)
Undergraduate course (2009.4 - 2010.3)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
School of Engineering,
University of Tokyo
PI: Prof. Masaaki Tanaka and Prof. Shinobu Ohya (University of Tokyo)
Thesis: "Resonant tunneling spectroscopy on III-V ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs surface layer" (Japanese)